Chapter 2: Kyle the Creepy Psychopath
Something was hurting her eyes. She scrunched up her face in an effort to shield them and threw out an arm to swat it away. The arm met only empty space. She blearily cracked an eye open and winced when bright sunlight stabbed at her retina. Turning over rapidly did not stop her from seeing stars for the next few minutes. After such an effective wake up call sleep was an impossibility, so Sarah rolled out of bed and slipped on her slippers.
Yawning she shuffled over to the computer to check if the forms her mother wanted her to sign had come through. Resting her head in her hands, she dozed slightly as it came on. In a minute she was squinting at the screen and automatically checking her e-mails while her mind kept snoozing. Her eyes skimmed the mail and her finger hovered over the delete key. Junk, junk, a group e-mail from a distant relative, more junk, a reply from Kyle, and ah hah, Mom's forms. She had just opened the last one when her sleepy mind registered what she had just deleted.
She toppled off the stool she had been perched on, and then proceeded to sit on the floor her jaw hanging slack in her flabbergasted state. "Oh shit!" She whispered. After a few minutes she managed to pick herself up off the floor, and reseat herself on her stool, and there she remained unmoving, regarding the screen with horrified fascination.
At last she managed to work up the nerve to close her mothers e-mail, and the curser hovered above the 'deleted items' link for interminable seconds before she could bring herself to click. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut in apprehension, and then slowly peeled them open again, hoping against hope that it had been her overactive imagination that had conjured a reply from a dead person into her inbox.
It wasn't.
Sitting innocently at the bottom of the list was an e-mail that declared itself to be from Kyle Campbell. But that was impossible! He was dead for heavens sake. And even if he wasn't he wouldn't have received her previous e-mail anyway. There was no way the e-mail address she'd typed in actually existed, was there? Oh shit! What if she'd accidentally sent it to some random stranger! How completely humiliating!
Staring at it wasn't helping her any, so she resolutely opened it, steeling herself for the response of a stranger who would no doubt be under the impression that she belonged in an insane asylum.
Dear Sarah
You may not believe this, but this is Kyle. I got your e-mail. And I do remember you. I'm not quite sure how to explain this so that you'll believe me, but I can communicate with you like this because I need your help, and you need mine. Maybe you don't think you do, but it's true.
And I'm going to keep bothering you until you accept that.
Sarah read the message at least five times before she decided that it was complete shit, and somebody was taking the piss out of her. She then began composing her reply.
Dear 'Kyle'
Do you think I'm completely daft? Whoever you are, if you think I'd believe the complete and utter crap that you've sent me, then you have less brain power than a cooked goose. The person that you are impersonating is D-E-A-D, that means that he's up with the angels, see? Therefore it is impossible for me to communicate with him in any manner.
Why you would send me such an irrelevant letter is also beyond me. What on earth could a dead person help me with? And why would aforementioned person even want to do so if they're having a grand old time in the afterlife? Clearly even comparing you to a cooked goose is an insult to geese around the world for there is no comparison for your sheer stupidity.
Might I suggest that the next time you attempt to con someone via e-mail, you write a more convincing and less abrupt and random letter.
Do not bother attempting to contact me again, I will be blocking your e-mail address as soon as I've sent this- you psychopath!
Sarah clicked send and then proceeded to block the e-mail address as promised. Then she smiled for what seemed like no reason at all. Wow! Ranting at psychopathic strangers was strangely satisfying! She chuckled a little when she thought about what she had said. She had perhaps been a tad melodramatic.
She then stopped abruptly when she realized that he was a creepy stranger who had read her very personal e-mail. She shuddered, then quickly dressed and hurried towards the dining hall for the security that the company of others was sure to bring.
AN: So this is just a very short chapter, sorry it took me so long to update, I've been hectically busy! Thanks to my wonderful reviewers: Alfiee, ham337dd, SecretWhispers, d666lisa.
As always reviews and constructive criticism are much loved and appreciated, and I'll reply to everyone who leaves a signed review or e-mail address.