-Love Bites- Chapter One

by Mel

I dragged my weary feet down the long, steel blue hallways that were signature of our crummy school.

I groaned as the tardy bell sounded – knowing that I was undoubtably going to be late I decided not to bother with hurrhurrying to classy. I walked down the hall, lined with steel lockers towards my allocated locker.

The boring, commercial blue carpet – flecked with dark blue – fluoresced due to the industrial lights that were spaced evenly down the hall's high ceil far above my head.

I reached my locker and on the lock, spun itn the "magical"random combination of digits that were supposed to unlock it.

Unfortunately my locker has always hated me.

I started to kick my locker hopelessly as it refused to open.

I lent against it helplessly.

I decided just to go to class without my books and explain to Mr. Hunt that my locker wouldn't open hence my lack of books and equipment.

I trudged to class, ignoring the final bell that was chiming, a high pitched piercing wine that annoying hell out of all students, sounded throughout the long halls.

As I was dragging my feet, forcing myself to my home room, I looked down at my timetable:


Roll Call – Mr Hunt

History – Mrs. Taylor

Maths – Ms. Jones


French – Madame Paris

Chemistry – Miss Chandler

Lunch Hour

Gym – Mrs Heart

I groaned as I realised that today was a "brain-y" day… I never did well on brain-y days.

I walked into roll call only about three minutes late.

"How nice of you to join us Miss Gregory. Please take a seat up the back." Mr. Hunt told me, upon my entrance, in a bored tone.

I gave Mr. Hunt a mock bow and headed to I sat in my usual seat in the back left corner. I was the only desk right next to a window. It was also the only desk that had the hard top of it completely stripped off – enabling me to draw various random little pictures all over the top without anyone caring.

After the fifteen -unbearably boring- minutes that was home room concluded with a chime of the school bell, I picked up my messenger bag and headed to my history class.

I didn't understand the point of learning about history.

It isI mean, it's just full of greedy people, human errors and depressing events.

We never learn from out mistakes – so why do we learn about them?

I entered the small stuffy classroom and made a bee line for a desk towards the back.

It wasn't long before my best friend entered the closet-sized room and searched for me with her eyes.

"Azure" I shouted, catching her attention, a huge grin graced her lips and she jogged up to the vacant seat next to me.

"Hey Sarah, how was your weekend?" Azure smiled at me politely.

Azure Anne Gordon isn't perfect, but by god is she close.

She is a straight A student, a tall, lean, 5"5 body to die for, Long, silky black hair that contrasted with her honey-brown eyes amazingly. She has the nicest mother who stays at home baking cookies and cakes all day long. I don't think that she has ever had a blemish or pimple, straight bright-white teeth and the most angelic smile. She has the most stunning personality to fit her goddess like looks, she is very modest and would rather die than have attention on her; or admit how gorgeous she is.

I, Sarah Gemma Gregory on the other hand, am completely different.

I mainly get B and C grades, chocolate brown hair that always seems to be flat and lifeless. Grey-Blue eyes that always looked sunk into my gaunt, porcelain skin that was constantly burning in the harsh summer sun. I got the occasional pimple like any teen; I have glasses that I don't need to wear all the time. I am a short 5"3 and I hope that I'll get my growth spurt soon. I like to think of myself as modest, but often I suffer word-vomit and never know when I've said too much. My family up-bringing wasn't great, I was terribly close to my brother who is a year older – we used to sit in our room and listen to our parents fighting. The divorce was messy and my father took my brother to live in California and I haven't seen him since.

I have a boring name, a boring life and boring time at doing all the boring stuff that I do.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with who I am – I just wish that for once something exciting would happen to me.

"Mrs. Taylor, May I turn on the fans, it is so stuffy in here"

I watched Mrs. Taylor's wrinkly, old, senile face for her reaction to Azure's question.

"No you may not. It is perfectly fine in here."

This was the expected outcome.

Shakily, Mrs. Taylor stood to address the room full of grumpy, sweating, hormonal teens.

"Now children" I inwardly cringed "This term, we are going to study how ideas have changed through the centuries."

She must have received a very blank stare from the class as she sighed in annoyance.

"We are going to study the progress of ideals on religion, mythological creatures, maths, science, medicine, food, human rights and so on and so forth; throughout all of history – starting with the ancients to the medieval periods to the last few centuries and finish up the term with the present day"

It didn't sound too bad… it didn't sound that great either – it sounded like a unit that would involve lots of research and projects.

"And to start off, a small project that shall be due in a week"

Exhibit A to back my previous claims.

"What you need to do is to each prepare a presentation of the changing ideals on one of the topics I just listed through the ages."

I glanced at Azure

"What are you going to do your assignment on?" I questioned

"Sarah! Be quiet! Now will all of you do questions one to twelve in your texts on pages 148-150. When you finish you may start on your assignments using the computers around the room"

Mrs. Taylor shuffled back to her desk and brought out from her desk draw an ancient romance novel.

"What are you going to do your assignment on?" I tried again to ask Azure, just slightly quieter.

"Most likely science or medicine… those areas are just so fascinating… what about you?" She whispered back.

"Hmm… not sure… probably religion or mythological creatures…" I whispered back unsure.

I sped through the insanely easy questions and looked at the clock. I still had twenty minutes left of the lesson.

Both Azure and I sat with nearly half the class in boredom.

Soon though, I stood up and headed for a computer at the side of the room.

There wasn't any point in sitting doing nothing with an assignment there to be completed.

I went to trusty google and started to research mythical creatures through the ages.

My eyes felt heavy as I walked into my Chemistry class. This is my only class where I am alone.

I took a seat at one of stark white lab benches. I was about to sit on the stool when I noticed that one of the corners had been slightly eroded with some kind of acid or chemical.

I pulled the stool slightly further away from that corner, thinking of my health and sat down.

I pulled out my text book and lay my head on it.

Unfortunately my chemistry teacher decided to walk into the classroom then. Miss

Chandler was one of the nicest teachers that one could ever hope for.

She was in her early years of life, she was always smiling and happy and she is always helpful to the extreme – sometimes she can be a little scary with all the helpfulness and the niceness though...

"Ok kids, can you please stand to the right of the class and I shall call lab partners for the term." She said, pulling out a small list of peoples names.

Immediately there was a buzz of conversation as people panicked about who their lab partner would be.

Miss Chandler always let me work by myself as the one time she tried paring me with Sophie Scott it didn't end to well. There were smoke alarms, a big bang and a rather singed roof.

Yeah, she learnt quickly that I'm better as a solo act than a double act.

We all stood like sheep at the side of the room – clutching our various assortments of bags, books and papers in our hands. Miss Chandler stood in front of a lab bench.

"Mike and Christy here" I saw a nervous girl with big glasses and mousy brown hair smile nervously at a tall, lanky boy with sandy-blonde hair and warm brown eyes.

She moved a bench over

"Jade and Oscar"

She moved diagonally upward

"Derrick and James"

Over a desk

"Jessica and Monica"

She continued like this until I was left standing on my own.

"Sarah, just chose a free bench and we may begin" Miss Chandler said, pointing at the class arranged in their seats.

I looked around and noticed that there was actually only one lab bench free.

Well that does narrow down my choices.

I sat down and started to unload my text book, a writing pad and a pen. I started to create some random little drawings in the margin of the book, completely ignoring Miss Chandler's lecture on the dangers of some elements such as Mercury and Lead.

Suddenly the dodgy PA system crackled to life just as I slammed all my books onto my lab bench (unfortunately it was the bench with the eroded corner).

"Would Miss Sarah Gregory please report to the principal's office."

Still in my own little world I was oblivious to the announcement and the stares of the class.

After a moment or so I noticed the stares.

"Sarah, you have been called to the principal's office, here is a hall pass" Miss Chandler said, holding a small piece of paper out towards me.

I took the slip and slowly gathered my things.

I slipped my books and pen into my bag and swung it over my shoulder; narrowly missing some poor classmate's head.

I took my time walking to the principal's office, as I was walking out of the science block and was wandering across one of the football fields I followed a little bird with my eyes.

I slowly decided that I had best walk faster so as not to be late… if one can be late to the office.

As I pushed open the heavy glass door that lead to the office's secretary I suddenly tried to think of why I had been summoned here.

Not coming to any realistic conclusions that didn't involve mad goat herders and chain linked fences, I gave up and wandered down the hall to the principal's office.

I stopped at the oak wood door with a gold plaque that read: "Mr. Adam Grey – Principal". I knocked on the door twice and waited.

Almost immediately I heard a deep, gruff voice, give me permission to enter.

"Ah! Miss Gregory, how very nice to see you. Do sit." Mr Grey said in a deep, kind voice.

"Care for a mint?" He asked, shoving a small bowl of hard, shiny green pellets (that strongly resembled snot balls) that emitted an over-whelming peppermint smell right underneath my nostrils.

"Er… no thanks Mr Grey…um… hate to be blunt but… why am I here?"

Mr Grey removed the offensive pellets from beneath my nose and chuckled.

"Well Miss Gregory, we have a new student starting here next Monday, a…" He glanced down at a sheet on his messy desk. "…Mr Henry Peters. We have made his time table exactly the same as yours thus making it your responsibility to make sure he gets to classes on time and finds some friends. Understand?"

I nodded.

"Sure Mr G!"

He smiled and nodded.

"you may get back to class now" He stated resolutely and with a dismissive hand gesture.

"Thank you sir" I stood up and grabbed my bag off the floor, where it was resting near my feet.

It was finally lunch. After a hellish period in French with Mr Pierre Paris; I slouched into one of the cafeteria chairs. I waited for Az (Azure) before I went to line up for food.

While I waited I started on the mountain of homework I had received. During the middle of me trying to translate an especially hard French sentence, I was ambushed in a hug.

"Hi Az, no I'm not expelled, I just have to let the new kid tomorrow follow me around… fun…" I smiled at Azure.

Azure grinned at me

"Bet he's cute" She grinned at me.

I rolled my eyes at her immaturity.

"Oh yes, I so reckon that he is the next Brad Pitt – especially with a name like Henry Peters."

She blinked at me.

"Haha! He sounds like a retard!"

I grinned and nodded my agreement.

My stomach emitted a low growl and I grinned up at Az sheepishly.

"Common let's get some food" Azure said as her stomach grumbled in agreement with mine.

As we were walking towards the food que, Azure and I started to plan something to do on the weekend.


I felt myself come into sharp contact with a large, heavy object.

I looked to see a large, red vending machine standing in my way.

I looked over to see Azure laughing so hard that it seemed as though she was about to give herself a hernia.

After a few moments I started laughing at how incredibly uncoordinated I am.

I looked around to make sure that no one but Azure saw my little…er… incident…

I ran into the long lunch line and looked at the food that we being served today. After only a few moments of waiting in line I started to impatiently tap my foot.

Finally I go to the front of line and ordered my lunch.

Thankfully, apart from a small stumble, the rest of the day went without incident.

"Mum! I'm home!" I shouted from the front door as I threw my school bag into the corner.

I wandered down the hall towards the kitchen in search of food. I saw a plate of fresh blueberry muffins sitting on the kitchen bench.

"MUM? Are you home!?" I shouted, grabbing one of the still warm muffins off the stack.

"I'm in the back room!" I heard my mother shout back.

"I'll be in my room doing homework!" I mumbled through a mouthful of muffin.

I walked up to my room and switched on my computer; while it was starting up I unloaded my history assignment instruction sheet.

I showered the piece of paper in muffin crumbs as I munched the muffin noisily and messily. I heard a roaring hum as my computer came to life. I walked over and opened up the internet and I started to search mythological creatures throughout history.

"you are to prepare a one minute presentation on your chosen topic. Be sure to include pictures and touch on all the eras"

I decided to mainly focus on vampires as I always have held an interest in them

I flicked on my computer speakers and opened my music folder to find a good song to work too, just as I found a good song I heard my cell start to ring.

'Like soldiers,

March on,

If we can make it through to night we'll see the sun…'

I leaned over and grabbed my cell phone. I flipped it open to see that Azure was calling me. I pressed the little magical green button and raised it to my ear.

"Hey Azure!" I smiled into the mouth piece.

I heard a small sniffling on the other end

"er… Azure… Are you there?" I said slightly less smiley than before.

"… Sarah… mum's been in an accident…" My eyes widened

"Oh god…Are you serious?" I whispered

"Yeah, I'm at the hospital… I don't want to cause any trouble, but are you able to come here?"

"I'm in the car now" I replied, hanging up and not giving her a chance to reply.

I raced down the stairs and yelled to my mother where I was going.

As my car roared to life I sped off in the direction of the hospital.


Ok, this is the re-edited version so please review! It means so much if you do.

Thanks to all who reviewed the un-edited chapter, please do again and if you didn't, please, please review!

I'm still writing the second chapter, so hopefully that will be up soon - the delay being that I just got back from school camp yesturday.

Thanks for reading!

xx. Mel