Love Bites – Epilogue
Jared's POV:
I could see the castle in sight, in response my feet increased in speed. I felt my breathing start to become shallow, my heart rate sped-up and Sarah's body weight caused my arms to grow heavy.
I glanced down at Sarah and noticed she wouldn't meet my gaze, I growled in frustration but she still didn't look at me.
I ran up and into the castle, stumbling slightly as I ran to the great hall. I got to the closed double doors and gratefully placed Sarah onto the floor.
"I have to go in now… will you come in?" I asked hopefully.
"Um… I donno Jared… I am so confused… I thought… I don't know if I can watch you marry another girl…" Sarah replied with a voice laced in anger and hurt.
"Please Sarah… I need you there…" I pleaded.
We stood there for at least five minutes as Sarah fought with herself internally and deliberated. I watched her facial expressions change and contort.
"Fine" Sarah reached her decision with her lips tightly pressed and a sharp tone of voice.
Without bothering to respond I heaved the doors open, and both of us walked out into the sea of expectant faces.
King's POV
I have to admit, things had grown past the point of hilarity. The groom had not yet appeared for his own wedding – to the most hideous of women.
I could not help myself but laugh when my son's wife-to-be was handed over to be married, only to the shock of herself and her brother, that there was no man waiting to take her.
Now we sit, no body really sure of what to do next; none of us have experienced a husband running away, only a wife.
I was then torn from my thoughts by the back doors opening, from my throne on the stage I could see all the crowds expectant faces turn to the door.
In walked my son, standing proud and looking as pleased as ever. He did not give off the slightest air that he was late for his own wedding.
Behind him walked in Sarah, she almost immediately slipped up against the back wall – out of sight, out of mind.
I must admit, I sighed in disappointment at my son's lack of judgement. Sarah keeps coming back to my son but time and again he hurts her.
I relaxed back into my throne and prepared for the long ceremony. I let out a deep sigh and slouched down in my seat. I sent a sparing look to my wife who sat next to me. She gave a reprimanding look and I immediately sat back up straight in my seat.
I looked down on my son, who sensing my gaze looked back at me; I gave my head a little shake in an attempt to convey my disappointment to him. He gave me a stubble hand gesture to be patient… to wait and see. I knew that look, he was up to something.
I saw my son then turn his gaze to the back of the room. Even though I knew what he was looking for I followed his gaze anyway.
Sarah was standing up against the back wall looking anywhere but up the front of the great hall where Jared and Amy stood. I could tell that Amy was slowly getting more and more frustrated that Jared's attention was on a shady figure in the back of the room.
I could feel her heart rate start to increase and I knew it wasn't just the fact that Jared was…0h… 0nly a good hour late to their wedding. I looked with pity at Amy and out of the corner of my eye I noticed my wife watching me watching Amy watching Jared watching Sarah watching Jared.
I knew that this marriage would make Jared miserable and I knew that it would make for a very unhappy monarchy if I let these two wed. I eased myself up and as I was about to stop the marriage when the ceremony conductor stepped out and in front of the couple.
I felt my wife gently tug me back into my throne. I sat back down with a flop and exhaled heavily. Amy sent a glare my way, all my pity was gone as now that Jared's attention had returned to her, she was back to her usual self.
I really hoped that Jared knew what he was doing, because I for one have no idea what is going on in his head.
Guest/ No Body's POV:
The King sat in this throne; a worried expression had bloomed and set upon the face of our ruler. The prince of the Dark was also very distracted and seemed to be concentrating on a person in the back of the hall.
As soon as Jared had entered the hall rumours had passed through the minds of the crowd like a pack of lollies at a girlie sleepover. Jared's wife-to-be had taken all the guests breaths away when she entered the hall, for the simple reason of how she would react to the lack of a husband for her.
The whole crowd had been disappointed at her anti-climactic reaction. She had merely looked at our lord with slight distain. We all sat in the hall, beyond awkwardness for an hour. Amy was getting increasingly agitated at the length of time she was being forced to wait for her lover.
Then, as smooth and suave as he always, Jared entered the hall. He strutted down the length of the hall and turned to face the ceremony conductor. Amy looked up at Jared and fluttered her eyes at him, Jared made no response. He glanced up at the king who looked down at him like the disapproving father he is.
The marriage celebrant, who as tradition states is a member of the elders, began speaking but I have my doubts anyone was listening. We all watched as Jared looked to the back of the hall, many also looking in that direction.
After a few minutes of Jared watching the back of the hall Jared turned and faced the conducting council elder. What he said made us gasp.
Jared's POV:
"Sorry to interrupt the ceremony… but Amy… I'm sorry; you just aren't the right girl for me. I don't want to marry you…" I said.
I looked up the back to see Sarah looking back at me, looking scared out of her mind. I gestured to her with my head to come over here. She madly she started to slink back along the wall heading towards the door. Panic swept through me.
"Sarah! Don't go…"
Everyone in the room looked immediately looked to the back of the hall where Sarah was half way out the door. She looked back at me, her eyes as wide as an owl. I glanced at Amy to see that she was looking at me with such hatred that I felt like I was about to melt into a little puddle right then.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Amy's father stand up outraged; his face turning a purple colour that was definitely not natural for the extremely fair skinned vampires. I looked back at Amy as Charlie – my new personal guard – removed her father subtly from the hall so he did not make a scene.
Amy angrily started to bare her teeth at me as her fangs started to elongate. I warily took a step backwards as a precaution. The elder who was conducting the ceremony was looking at me with a wry smile. I looked back out at Sarah to see her looking straight back at me. I turned myself to face her.
I took two steps towards her and she took two more, this made her almost completely out of the doorway. I took another half step and she mirrored my movements. She was completely out of sight.
I let out a deep sigh of frustration. I knew she was just outside of the doors because I could see her hand gripping the wooden door. I let out a deep growl and saw her hand tighten.
I tensed my muscles really to sprint at her before she had a chance to run away. I was getting really frustrated with Sarah. I had just taken off at an alarming speed when I saw Sarah start to run back to me. I slowed. Then suddenly I felt a powerful force knock me to the floor. I heard a cry as I felt a sharp pain in my neck and then I went blank.
Sarah's POV:
Tears were blurring my vision but for some reason I just couldn't walk away from Jared. Not again.
Jared is like my drug. My novocaine. I knew he was toxic for me, he had hurt me beyond repair… and yet my legs wouldn't let me take those simple steps towards my old and simple life that I had before.
I had only recently turned sixteen. It wasn't fair. What had I gotten for my sweet sixteenth? More heart ache; was called old and had a skank nearly steal my man. I heard a low growl from the deathly quiet hall. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and grabbed onto the wood tighter.
I couldn't walk away and I couldn't walk to him. It was my head fighting my heart and I was stuck in the middle. Slowly I played in my mind all the events since meeting Jared – the war, our fights, our good moments and those people in our lives that affected our relationship so much.
It was the last thought that made the last thing I ever heard Nadia say to me, play over and over in my head like a broken record:
Your days with him are numbered…
Then suddenly everything was crystal clear. My head finally agreed with my heart. I didn't want my days with Jared to be numbered. Sure we have problems, but we are young! I wanted to have my entirelife with Jared to sort them out, to fight, to make up and too make out. I wanted no one else but Jared.
My face lit up and I felt content and happy. I turned back and ran to Jared, as I rounded the open door I saw Jared running towards me. At the same time we started to slow and silly, love-sick grins adorned our faces.
I saw Amy look at me with pure hate and rageand I watched in slow motion as she leapt onto Jared. My immediate response was to run at her with all the speed I could muster. It was, ironically, now that I realised how annoyingly long the corridor was. All the vampires in the hall were watching this with great rapture, but they didn't matter. Jared needed me.
I let out a horrified shriek as I watch Amy bite Jared. It wasn't an affectionate bite either; this was definitely an 'I-hate-you-I-want-you-to-die' bite. When I saw Jared pass out I got super mad. I finally reached Amy; rugby tackled her to the floor and slapped her across the face.
"Stay away from me and Jared" I glared down at her.
I ran over to Jared, who was lying on the ground. I held my hand too his neck to try and stop the bleeding as the king called for the physician. Slowly Jared's eyes opened as the bleeding stop and he was able to heal the bite wound.
"Can we get married now? Before anything else happens?" Jared said humorously from beneath me.
I looked up at the elder, priest-y guy who nodded and winked at me in a fatherly way.
"You may now kiss your husband" he said in his rich voice.
I smirked at Jared and before he could protest, gave him a passionate kiss.
"All bow before the new King and Queen of the dark realm!" Jared's father cried.
The vampires in the hall erupted into cheers. Jared got to his feet, grabbed me around the waist and picked me up. We then shared our first kiss as a married couple.
And boy, did it feel good.
Well guys… this hasn't been a very epilogoue-ish epilogue. Sorry about that. I cant seem to let this story go…
Which means that yes, I plan to write a sequel! It will be short and after my next planned story. It will have all your favourite characters back and I hope you will all read it.
I want to thank everyone who has ever read and/or reviewed my story, it means so much.
Also thanks to all the people that put either this story; or me as an author, on their favourites list. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. .
So, look out for my next story My Modern Day Romeo that should be out soon, the full summary I posted up.
The sequel will probably be called Marriage Bites so put me on your alert list so you don't miss it!
Once again, thank you all SO much. You all mean so much too little ol' me!
Until next time, from Me Jared and Sarah;