Brianna's parents came home early that morning from an important dinner they had attended to the naked, dead body of David lying in an irregular pool of blood holding his equally dead ex girlfriend with a gun beneath them, the police, paramedics, ambulances, their hysterical daughter covered in blood, the dead teenagers' parents, and various, sleepy neighbors. To believe that at first they were just angry at seeing a foreign car in their driveway, and the idea of their daughter messing around.
The police found Ashley's fingerprints on the gun and a slightly smudged but still easily identified thumb print matching Brianna's right thumb; it was located near the trigger. Blood spatter from David's punctured artery also covered her body and the forensic scientist speculated that it was most likely the killer would have that blood pattern covering her.
The ambulance failed to resuscitate David or Ashley, and both were pronounced dead on arrival. Their wakes were incidentally held in the same building in two rooms near each other. Both were closed-casket.
In a sick twist of fate, Brianna was charged and convicted of manslaughter in the second degree with diminished responsibility by the Grand Jury. She received two years in jail and ten years of probation after that. However, she only completed six and a half years of her probation; Brianna killed herself. The coroner told the family it must have been an accidental overdose of her medicine, but unlike them, he knew it was impossible to kill one's self with only four pills. He wrote down "accidental overdose" as he felt his hands itch to erase and write in the space "overcome by the past."
Ashley had won. She had died but she had finally completed her revenge the moment Brianna drew her last, shaky breath. Even though, in a way, she lost more than anyone else. You see, she was cremated while Brianna's family had accidentally bought a grave plot right beside David's.