Little apprentice of wizards old,
Take note of lessons, do not be bold,
Practice magic of good not evil,
Respect all life, even a weevil.
Journeyman wizard of fortunes seeking,
Help those in need, many roofs are leaking,
Mastering techniques from near and far,
Strange new spells from a book in a jar.
Master wizard, you tests are done,
You're one of the elite, it's time to have fun,
Telling stories with magical effects,
About a capricious creature with two heads from a hex.
Head wizard of Guild, honorable and old,
Looking after matters like legends foretold,
Of a young wizard with powers of astounding might,
A godchild of Gaia, who for the balance must fight.
Dying wizard, a thousand years gone,
Remember the times, how life has gone on,
Your magic awakening, first love and first beer,
So many memories, but not all so dear.
Wizard gone, death taken all,
But memories and lore live on in them all,
All those taught by your gentle hand,
Found nuggets of worth in your sifting sands.