Who is he?
His eyes are dazzling
Like a clear blue sky.
He struts like an arrogant peacock.
Who is he?
He is caring and sweet.
His character traits are hard to beat.
Yet he cannot see
What he is missing.
Who is he?
For all the good in him,
He misses one important thing.
Who is he?
His hair is as soft as silk
And his voice flows with the grace of milk.
How can this be?
Who is he?
"Who is he?"
You may ask.
Well, he is the man I love.
I am the one he misses.
He cannot see my affection
For he is blinded by another
My love is he.
A/N: Yeah, well...it's kind of stupid and makes no sense, but I don't care. I know what it means and that's all that matters. :)