A/N: This poem has actually quite the funny story about it...

It was about a girl I liked... She asked me out, about an hour after I wrote it...

then, two days later... she dumps me... 10/21/2007...


Today? 1/18/2008...

It took me that long to get over her...

Saccharine- a false sweetness

You say you love me
but do naught about it.

I say the same,

But I am laughed off.

My heart is not a joke;

My love is real.

How long have I dreamed of you?

Whilst receiving nothing.

Ho much have I longed for you?

While not saying a word.

I bleed, cry, and scream:

Why can't you see I am human too?

Oh, sweet saccharine,

A sweetness that stings.

The burning touch of love.

As I get closer, it only hurts more;

I am the moth, and you my flame.

Burn me alive oh, blue flames of sugar,

Burn me alive, my sweet saccharine.

Sweet saccharine, you sugarey little lie;

Sweet saccharine, you make me want to die.

I am empty without you, and even more with

You fill me with emptiness,

A sugar-coated lie.

Once my truth comes out,

I will sting the most.

I need not protection,

I need not love,

Only your honesty,

Only the truth.

Hate me, loathe me,

Bathe me with your flame.

Burn me alive in your sweet blue fire;

Death by your hand would be my greatest desire.

Sweet saccharine, you sugarey little lie;

Sweet saccharine, you make me want to die.

I am empty without you, and even more with

You fill me with emptiness,

A sugar-coated lie.

Sweet saccharine.