When you left

You became the rain.

You became my rain.

I held my face up to the clouds

The sky washed out with gray

And bruised with purple

It cried you down

Until you embraced my eyelids

Kissed my lips once more

Dripped down my torso,

Tracing every curve of my body.

When you left

It began to rain.

It poured into the streets

Where I danced wildly

Feeling you

Laughing with you

The passion of us colliding together

From your sky

To my earth.

When you left

It flooded.

I traced my fingers across the glass

Feeling the cool of your drops

Knowing this was as close as we'd come again.

I reach out

Feeling you soak into my skin

Watching you gather in the gutter.

Standing next to the stone

That marks where you sleep,


Not sleep.

Where you left,

Where I left you,

The rain traces the letters of your name.

The water inspires the grass to green.

Your droplets gather on my arms.

I know, you're not coming back.

I know, you're gone.

I know that I will always love you.

You trace the outline of my lips

And I smile.

I hold my face up to the sky,

And a ray of sunshine breaks through

As the rain clouds begin to part.