Crayon Drawings are the Best After All
I want to be shown some beauty again
'Cause all I've seen lately is sickness and sin.
I want to see light in the sky and on faces
I want to remember what sorrow erases.
My life is so empty, so worthless, so hollow
There's no place I can go where my shadow won't follow
I just want to find out, and I just want to know
Where did all of the playgrounds and neighbor kids go?
And I feel all grown up as I run off to college
But I don't think I'm wiser despite all my knowledge
As I'm getting older I'm starting to see
That the child was the best of the versions of me
I just won't lay to rest all those ghosts and those dreams
I'm a woman who won't put away childish things
Because all of those memories of things that I did
Are the best that I have, I miss being a kid
So somebody please show me good up ahead
And tell me I'll find it before I am dead
And bake me some cookies and smile me a smile
And sing me to sleep every once in a while
And maybe, just maybe, when the moon's in the sky
And the glowing stars sparkle while earth's drifting by
Perhaps after prayer time when I say amen
Then maybe, perhaps I'll see beauty again.