Hi, everyone. Miss me?

Is there anyone left out there to miss me...?

The Fallen

I was completely hung up on Morgan Landers. I never even really talked to her—I never really got the chance since we didn't really have any classes together. She wasn't one of the girls that the guys at school usually went for. She was tall—taller than more than a few guys. Taller than me, at least. And I'm not that short. She wasn't really curvy and wasn't even that well "endowed." There was always something a little weird about her, too. I guess that's what really did it for me. Embodiment of femininity she was not, but she was weird, and I liked weird girls.

Okay, okay. She wasn't psychotic or anything like that. There was just something a little...off about her. She would mumble to herself in class and she was always humming or whistling or singing or something like that in the halls between classes. Her clothes weren't weird, but you could tell that she made some of them herself. Well, I'd never seen stuff quite like them, anyway. Her hair and her glasses were what really got me, though.

Her glasses were square with thick frames, and, in all honesty, they were too big for her face. But there was something about them that I thought was beyond cute. And her dirty blonde hair, well, she kept it in dreadlocks pulled into ponytails, making it look like antennae or spider legs or something sticking out of her head.

Okay, maybe she's a little stranger that I let on. But I liked her anyway.

And now was my chance to talk to her.

I was walking to school as usual. I didn't live very far away, I didn't have a car or a bike, and everyone knows that the bus sucks. And so I always walked. Apparently Morgan did, too, because the person I could see walking up ahead of me couldn't have been anyone else. Not with that height and that hair. It was raining pretty steadily that morning. Windy, too. My shoes and the bottom of my pant legs were already pretty soaked. I had a large umbrella, though, so I was staying dry enough. Morgan had a raincoat, from what I could tell, and was struggling with her own umbrella. I picked up my pace a little. I could catch up to her in a minute or two. I could use that time to come up with something to say to get conversation started. Today was starting off pretty nicely.

I saw the car turn onto the street several yards behind her, still a few yards ahead of me. It sped up, and a wing of water flew into the air every time it came to a puddle, and puddles were everywhere. There was a large one just in front of Morgan, anyway. Everyone wants to get where they're going, everyone else be damned, right? The car caught up to Morgan and kept going like nothing had happened.

Morgan froze in her tracks. She'd been caught in the jet of water. Adding insult to injury, she finally lost the fight with her umbrella as the wind finally caught it and ripped it inside out.

I could hear Morgan's reaction all the way back where I was.

It sounded like a growl before she finally screamed. "Dammit!" She threw the umbrella down on the wet cement and yelled louder. "Dammit!"

I started to run. It wasn't even a minute before I'd reached her, but she was already sitting on the ground with her knees pulled to her chest and her face pressed against them.

This was not how I'd wanted this to work out.

I still didn't know what to say, either.

I held my umbrella over her to at least stop her from getting rained on, even though she was already soaked. I glanced sideways at her tattered umbrella. It was cute: blue with a pink and purple paisley pattern. It was also dead now. I looked back to Morgan. Her yellow raincoat matched her rain boots, which were also yellow, only with ladybugs all over them. She was drenched. Her hair looked more like noodles than antennae now.

Then I realized that she was looking up at me. Her glasses were starting to fog up, but I could still see her eyes through the lenses. They were red and puffy, and her mascara had started to run. I felt horrible all of a sudden, for no real reason at all. I couldn't keep standing here like an idiot, though. I needed to say something. But what?



So? Not too terrible, was it?

Title and description ganked from Franz Ferdiand's song "The Fallen" if you couldn't tell. All other commentary can be found at my LJ community.