Part One: The Lady on the Field
"Today they found a lady on the field."
My classmates whisper,
Soft whispers,
Loud whispers,
Cruel whispers
Rebounding from ear to ear
So I sneak out the classroom,
run through the back door,
Not stopping even when
a man cries out,
"Stop! You're only twelve!"
Part Two: Knowing What She Knows
I don't know what he means,
nor do I care to know.
All I want to do
is get away from everything,
get away from anything,
run towards nothing,
and suddenly I know
how she felt:
the loneliest feeling in the world
Part Three: Reminding Me of You
Tears stream down my face,
cold and salty,
but with a bittersweet quality to it,
and I'm reminded of the times
I fell and cried
and she sang me soft songs
to keep me quiet
She was there to sing me songs,
but who sang songs to her when she cried?
Part Four: Heaven is a Place on Earth
Run run run run run run
my mind races against me,
oh, the things I'd do to
keep from thinking of sheunthinkingly I've run towards the field;
it's a green grass utopia,
a kind of "heaven on earth"
and I can see why
she would choose here
Part Five: All That Is Familiar
I run run run run run
till I can't think straight anymore
and I collapse on the blanket of soft, green grass
It's comforting and familiar,
almost like eating a warm home-cooked dinner
Here, I don't have anything to hide,
Don't have everything to face
and only nothing do I need to fear
I fall asleep
Part Six: If Insane, Then What Comes After
Later they find me
My hair a long black mess,
My clothes crumpled and wrinkly
And myself a little crazy.
When they take me back to school
"Today they found a girl on the field."
My classmates whisper,
Soft whispers,
Loud whispers,
Petty whispers,
Circling the room once and twice,
But I don't care anymore
I put my head down
And smiling,
I fall asleep