A.N. Okay so I wrote this along time ago to see if it would help and suprisingly it did. Please don't judge my future writings on this poem I was confused when I wrote this. I thought you all would like to see why people cut themselves. As you know we all cut for different reasons. I had many. BTW Fred is my rabbit.
The Little Tear In My Skin
If I put on a show
They'll think I'm alright
When really inside
I'm thinking of suiside
Sometimes I get caught in the moment
And I start to believe
That everything will be okay
But then I slip
And I cry just a bit
'Why me?' I ask myself
'because you suck' says that voice in me
I believe it willingly
Knowing that it's right
I go on about my day
Smiling and waving just like normal
My friends notice the small frown
And ask if I'm okay
But I'll never tell them
What's going on inside
I may let a little slip
But I only ever use past tenses
I hate holding it all in
When it begs to be let
So every now and then
I make that little cut
So small
So innocent
They'll think it's from Fred
They won't understand
That it helps so much
I hear them talking
About how those people are stupid
How they only want attention
And deserve what they get
I wish they knew
How it helps
I just want to say
'look at this tear in my skin
and see how it helps
the big one in my soul'
but I never will
I hold it all in
Sooner or later it will get better
And I can put the razor down
Till then a new tear joins the old
And I smile
How I decive myself so
thanks for reading please riview
Peace Love Happiness and Party Hats