The author holds the exclusive right to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited!

Note that on January 24th 2022 I started editing this and came across many spelling errors and such. 😬 I will slowly correct the chapters here but it will take time, you can also read the story on Wattpad: Kolgrim83 or on my homepage.

Feedback and constructive criticism is more than welcomed! ❤️

This story contains sex scenes and it's written for mature audience. Also contains difficult themes such as domestic violence, so please take this into consideration before reading.

This story is exclusive intellectual property of the author ©Kolgrim, any partial/total unauthorized use of the contents is considered an act of plagiarism.

Story set's in Finland.


"Dad?" The boy spoke with a sweet tone. He stood at the kitchen's doorway and slowly made his way further in, towards the table where his father was seated. The man looked up, smiled at the sight of him, both hands still holding the morning newspaper.

"Yes, Joni?" He knew that look. He knew that the boy wanted something.

"I need you to sign one paper," he explained, coming closer still until he stood close beside him.

"What paper is it?" He asked, warily almost, looking at the paper and the pen in the boy's hands.

"It's just a small thing really, mere formality if you will," the boy smiled. "About this one gig, they've requested me to." He continued, setting the paper on the table, in front of his father, giving the pen to him and pointing towards where the signature should be written.

"Hold on there, I want to know what this is about..."

"It's nothing important, they're just being overly careful." The man gave his son a look of doubt, he knew him all too well by now and...

"An underwear shoot!" He practically shrieked, the boy sighed.

"Yes, as I said nothing big..." he spoke with an almost bored tone.

"Nothing big! You are seventeen!"

"I'm almost an adult, dad. It's just a gig among other gigs, this just pays really well. "

" Well, I happen to find it very dubious to ask a minor for a photoshoot like this." He snorted. " What is this for anyway?" He looked at the paper more closely.

"For an ad that will appear in a magazine." Joni rolled his eyes.

"Look here, you don't know what kind of pervs are reading and looking at these sorts of ads. I'm sure that they can find an adult model for it." His father said. "No, I will not sign this," he pushed the paper farther away to emphasize his words. "I will not have my seventeen-year-old son posing himself, practically nude! For some perverts to drool on!"

"Dad, come on, you're overly paranoid! This is about me being gay, isn't it?!" The boy huffed.

"It's not about that," the man shook his head, "it's about you being far too young to pose in a magazine dressed next to nothing."

"First, you take away my chance to go to Paris, and now this! I wouldn't be naked for God's sake; I wouldn't be posing in some porn magazine and...!"

"Enough Joni!" He gave his son a stern look. "I am your parent, you are still under-aged and yes, whatever you will say, will not make me change my mind, you will not be doing any gigs, photo shoots, or any other, wearing so little. I am forbidding it, only your best in my mind."

"Bullshit! I'm almost an adult! I should be free to make my own decisions!"

"I'm sorry, Joni, but an adult you are not and until you are, you will obey my word, understand?"

"God, you're so annoying!" He screamed, took the paper, and left the room, practically running upstairs and into his room.

The man sighed heavily; he missed the time when his son had still been a child, the time when he had had him under control without much effort. This teenage period, all this angst and drama, was slowly wearing him out.

"What was it about this time?" His wife asked, stepping into the kitchen, carrying their two-year-old daughter in her arms.

"I refused to sign a paper with my consent of letting him do an underwear shoot to some...well, whatever it was..." He explained tiredly .Before opening the fridge, his wife lowered the little girl on the floor next to her. "Tell me Katja, do you think that I'm wrong in this matter?" She looked at him, softly shaking her head.

"I would have forbidden him too," she nodded, pouring a glass of juice for her youngest. "Just give him some time to sulk in private, I'm sure he'll soon get over it." She assured him.

"I hope so..." Asko sighed and got up. He walked over to his wife and planted a soft kiss on her cheek, before kneeling down to talk to his daughter.

"Will you let dad go easier when you come to that age?" He asked and the girl smiled broadly.

"I want in daddy's arms!" The girl said, reaching out her hands towards him.

"Is that a yes?" He chuckled softly when he took her and got up.

"I certainly hope so," Katja said and smiled warmly as she looked at them.

Asko loved his son beyond measure. The boy, who both with his looks and his spirit, reminded of his late wife Marianna. She had fallen ill with a malignant brain tumor and left them when their son had been only five years old.

He, then a twenty-nine year old, widowed, lost in the trance of grief had tried his best to pull himself together and provide a happy and safe childhood for the child, like he had promised to his wife on her deathbed.

He knew now that he had perhaps ended up spoiling the boy too much and thus he had a whimsical, self-confident teen in his hands that thought the world a much safer place than it was. Joni had gotten used to getting his way too often. And equally often Asko was lost in how to handle him in the right way.

The boy had been almost ten when Katja came into their lives. Joni hadn't made it easy for her. However, Katja, three years younger than Asko, had been able to treat the boy differently from others who had previously tried to come between them. Katja was patient, working as a kindergarten teacher, in a profession that had also been Marianna's dream. Katja had been an important balancer in their lives and in Joni's upbringing.

At the age of 14, Joni had gotten a modeling contract, following in his mother's footsteps in that regard. Around that time Joni had also revealed that he was gay. It had surprised him to some extent, but it was a fact that was and which Asko full-heartedly accepted. He had always believed that people should be allowed to be who they are and love who they loved. It should be of no concern to outsiders.

He had to admit though, that the fact made him more concerned of his son's safety. Now, in his teens, he was a beautiful boy, growing into a beautiful man, who aroused interest in older men. Questionable encounters and agreements, like this underwear shoot, seemed to emerge often in the modeling circle.

The boy could be a handful when he wanted, but there was certain sensitivity and kindness in him too, qualities revealed to those closest to him. It was the young, lively spirit that guided him, the quick-tempered mind would surely be more controlled with age, but for now as a parent it was up to him to guide the boy from making bad decisions.

He had created his own trap in raising his son. A whimsical, confident teenager who was used to getting what he wanted and imagined that he could continue to get it without harm.

Asko knew he was in trouble with his son and did everything he could to protect him. At the same time, Joni was young, and life opened as an exciting adventure ahead, with all the doors still open and there were no monsters in sight.

Chapter 1

October 2009


"I can't understand why he didn't allow it, I think he's being overly strict. I mean; where's the harm? I think I'm old enough to decide for myself." The brat's voice echoed from the living room and Misha couldn't help but groan, taking off his jacket in the hall.

"But do you even really know these people? I mean..." He heard his younger brother Dima asking.

"Yes, gods, they are not some perverts, Dima! You're beginning to sound like my dad." Misha rolled his eyes, why was it that the brat was always at their house? Seriously, he had reached the point where even his voice irritated him. He kicked off his shoes, ready to go to his room, take a shower, change and rest a bit after a long, tedious day at school.

"Yo, Vodka, you'll be cooking today!" His thoughts were interrupted by his older brother, without him even making it farther than to the hall. Another unhappy groan made it out from his mouth, couldn't Ivo do it for once? Or Dima?

"I need a fucking rest before I change into a freaking housewife, Goddammit!" He shouted back and quickly went up the stairs.

Misha, twenty-one, a university student shared a house with his two brothers, Dima who was seventeen and Ivo thirty-one. Their parents had died six years ago in a car crash and after that Misha had moved with Dima, leaving their motherland Russia behind, to live with their eldest brother who had been working and living in Finland for over ten years.

The only thing he had complaints about was the sharing of household chores. It was almost always him who had to make dinner and though he did enjoy cooking, too much was just too much and he didn't like to be ordered around.

That was the other problem; they were just too alike with Ivo. He was gay, Ivo was bisexual and there had been times, too many times, that both of them had been attracted to the same person. The problem was that neither of them liked to give in easily.

Dima was straight, more calm-natured, and not quite so loud as his older brothers. And he had a terrible taste in friends, or so it seemed to Misha.

After his brief shower and changing to more comfortable clothing, Misha returned downstairs. Again he was able to hear the voice that was slowly doing damage to his poor nerves.

And there they sat, in front of the living room table, working with some school project that had turned out to be Misha's great misery; the cause to bring the brown haired boy into their house where he was forced to listen to him.

It wasn't that the sound of his voice would have been unpleasant, not at all, in fact it was a voice one would gladly listen to. If only the boy had something more intelligent to say, that is.

But he caught him at his best, quiet, reading some notes and sucking on a pencil between his full lips. Slowly the boy's amber brown eyes looked up at him, hearing the arrival, a small smirk made its way to his face, but never did the boy take the pencil out from his luscious mouth.

"Dima, any wishes on dinner?" He asked, looking at his little brother and paying as little attention to his friend as was humanly possible.

"Anything will be fine."

"Ok, cheese soup." He nodded and continued his way into the kitchen. He shook his head as an image of the brunet boy, sucking on the pencil refused to escape from his mind.

He felt annoyed, annoyed by the fact that the brat caught his eye, annoyed to find himself thinking that the dark-haired boy was sexy, annoyed by everything that was him. Joni was vain, childish... and...well, a brat.

He started chopping the vegetables, trying to drive his thoughts into something else. At school, he had been asked out by his classmate, Mikael; ironically his namesake, only spelled differently, but luckily no one usually called him by his real name Mikhail, so it wasn't that confusing.

They had been flirting for some time now and... well, the guy was sexy, a great ass, a cute face... All in all, a guy he wouldn't mind getting to know a little better.

"Dima asked me to get something to drink for us," a voice from behind interrupted his thoughts. Misha cursed mentally, turned, and gave a short glare to the young Finn.

"Cupboard, glasses," he lazily pointed. "Fridge, coke,"

"You don't talk much, do you?" The brunet asked and he could hear him moving about in the room.

"Nope," He muttered, still busy with the knife. It was true that he hadn't talked much with the boy. When he had first seen him, he had found the kid, well he did have a name too; Joni, quite attractive, but soon discovered qualities that vexed him greatly.

The brat wore expensive clothing, apparently had been booked to some model agency list and... well, the boy was good looking and he knew it all too well and seemed that his parents had spoiled him all his life, giving him too many things that he set his mind into having. Misha, who had grown up in quite humble surroundings with his brothers, didn't much care for superficial people like that.

"Oh, Joni, I thought I heard your voice." It was Ivo, "How's the school project coming along?"

"Oh it's coming along," the cheery voice answered. "Slowly," it almost sounded like he was flirting. Somehow he always managed to sound that way.

"You remembered to make enough food for our guest as well, Misha?" Ivo asked and Misha felt glad that he had his back turned towards them, otherwise his face might have revealed too much.

"There'll be enough soup for everyone," He answered calmly. "I'll be going out anyway, so you three will have more than enough."

"Going out?" Ivo opened the fridge and took out a bottle of beer, Misha glanced at him. "A date?" He asked casually and Misha gave him a silent nod.

"Oh, Joni, tell Dima that the dinner is ready soon," Ivo spoke to the brat who was about to leave the room.

"I will."

As soon as the boy was out of the room, Misha couldn't help but sigh in relief.

"He is not that bad," Ivo commented, obviously he knew him better than Misha would have liked him to. "And he has a cute butt, too."

"And the ego twice the size of our house! Ivo, that's the vainest person I've ever met," Misha muttered, throwing the vegetables into the soup. "But his butt is nice, I admit it."

"And it's said by Mr. I Don't Bottom," Ivo chuckled and Misha glared at him. "You treat your ass if it was made out of gold."

"It's my own butt, as you pointed out, so shut up." He groaned.

"Sheesh, I hope you'll get some from this ... whoever ... just remember to use a condom ... because you're awfully snappy lately."

"Oh, fuck off Ivo," Misha grumbled.

The dinner was ready fast and Ivo insisted that Misha would eat with them because they were a family. Misha hadn't been able but to roll his eyes and walk to his room to change into his date clothes, since he wouldn't have the time after dinner. It would take him about twenty minutes to get to the club where he'd be meeting Mikael.

After he was changed and ready he walked back downstairs and sat in front of the table to wait. Ivo called their younger brother and the brat that was his friend.

"Going out?" It was Dima who asked. "To a date?"

"Yes," he answered simply and took the first spoonful before asking, "did you finally manage to ask out this girl ... What was her name?" He glanced sideways at him.

"Eva," Dima smiled. "Yes, and we're going out on Friday."

"That's nice."

"Hm, which reminds me, Joni..." Dima turned to look at his friend more closely, who in return, looked back at him with a question, "...Eva's friend, Kasper, has been asking about you, he's interested." To this, the vain boy snorted, as if bored.

"Alright, Kasper who?"

"Well, her friend, the guy she always hangs around with, you know?"

"Ah, yes, him." Misha noticed him rolling his eyes and simply continuing to eat.

"So?" Dima asked.

"Oh, yeah, hm, no." The brat shook his head. "Not interested, sorry, he's too... out there, you know?"

"Oh, he'll be disappointed."

"Thinking highly of your-..." Misha started but got kicked by Ivo under the table, quite hard as well. "... friends, I see," he finished, re-directing his words at Dima while reaching with his hand to mess up his hair, which his brother quickly straightened.

"Uhh, Misha, cut it out, leave my hair alone for a while." Misha laughed, noticing a pair of honey-brown eyes watching him with a frown. He felt slightly better, returned to his dinner, tempted to tell the boy, the vain, gay brat, that with an attitude like that he wouldn't go too far. Either he'd tempt someone not suitable for him, or he'd end up alone. He should lower his standards.

Joni's POV

Joni stared at the school papers and books in front of him with boredom. There was still so much to do and quite frankly he could think of a thousand better ways to occupy his time with.

"I can't understand why he didn't allow it, I think he's being overly strict. I mean; where's the harm? I think I'm old enough to decide for myself." He sighed, his friend looked at him, thoughtfully.

"But do you even really know these people? I mean..."

"Yes, gods, they are not some perverts, Dima! You're beginning to sound like my dad!" He rolled his eyes, "I'm merely saying that this would have been a great opportunity to me, I could have gotten paid handsomely, but as always, my father is overprotective and-" he took a pause, "you know he's treating me like I was some bloody girl!" He said then.

"Your father is just worried Joni, and I'm not surprised, there are lots of... wrong people out there, ready to take advantage of..."

"Dima," Joni interrupted him once more with a sigh. "This was not like that, of course, I would make sure, I know how to take care of myself, and that's why I'm thinking that I'll forge his signature." He grinned. Dima was about to open his mouth to speak when...

"Yo, Vodka, you'll be cooking today!" Ivo's voice, followed by:

"I need a fucking rest before I change into a freaking housewife, Goddammit!"

Dima shook his head, rolled his eyes. "Here we go again," he muttered with a smile. Joni looked up, hoping he might see Dima's second brother, but it seemed that he had fled upstairs far too quickly.

"I don't think that it's a good idea to forge his signature, what if you get caught?"

"I won' get caught," Joni merely grinned. Dima looked at him with doubt but let go of the issue seeing his friend's attention back on their school project.

Fifteen minutes later, Joni heard the approaching steps and looked up, the pencil he had been sucking on while concentrating on studying still in his mouth. He smirked at the sight of the tall, well-built blond with striking blue eyes.

"Dima, any wishes on dinner?" He asked, looking at Dima and trying to avoid looking at him.

"Anything will be fine," Dima replied, returning to read his notes.

"OK, cheese soup." Joni watched him disappearing into the kitchen, annoyed by the fact that the older guy seemed to ignore him every time. Joni wasn't used to being ignored. Usually he got lots of attention whether he wanted it or not and he definitely wanted Misha's attention. Deep down he knew that Dima's gay brother must have wanted him as well and he was determined to prove it to himself. He loved challenges.

Joni had found Misha attractive from the first day he saw him. He had been fifteen at the time and he hadn't seen a more attractive man, ever. Joni just couldn't live with the fact that Misha would continue to ignore him.

Everyday he became more determined in his plan to seduce him and then when he would succeed he would turn the tables and say; thanks but no thanks. Just to pay back at him. The only thing he wasn't sure of was how he would seduce Misha, when the man seemed to be determined, in return, to ignore him

"I'm kinda thirsty," Joni spoke, lowering his pen down, his friend looking at him.

"Hm, we have some coke in the fridge, could you get a glass for me as well?" Dima asked.

"Sure," smiling, he got up and made his way into the kitchen.

Once inside, he stood a moment without moving, just looking at the blond man with his back turned against him. The guy was tall, all three brothers were, but especially the two oldest. They were also well built, making Joni feel small, a feeling that he wasn't sure if he liked.

"Dima asked me to get something to drink for us," He finally spoke out. The Russian turned to look at him, but only briefly.

"Cupboard, glasses," he pointed. "Fridge, coke,"

"You don't talk much, do you?" Joni asked, once again feeling slight frustration with the fact that his mission proved to be rather difficult.

"Nope," The blond muttered, continuing to chop the vegetables.

"Oh, Joni, I thought I heard your voice." Joni turned and spotted the oldest brother, who was even more intimidating by his size. "How's the school project coming along?"

"Oh it's coming along," He smiled, looking at the man with curiosity. "Slowly," he added with a grin. The oldest brother seemed easier to impress than the younger, even though it was quite discreet the way the man looked at him, Joni could still see that the man was, indeed, looking at him in an approving manner.

"You remembered to make enough food for our guest as well, Misha?" Ivo asked, still looking at him and smiling. Yes, much easier indeed.

"There'll be enough soup for everyone," Misha answered calmly. "I'll be going out anyway, so you three will have more than enough." To this Joni's ears perked up.

"Going out?" The older one opened the fridge and took out a beer. "A date?" To this the other blond nodded.


"Oh, Joni, tell Dima that dinner is ready soon." Waking from his thoughts Joni flashed a smile to Ivo.

"I will."

So Misha was going out on a date? Whoever this guy was, he couldn't have been better than him. Joni thought to himself. And no, he wouldn't let a simple, stupid date ruin his plan to seduce the guy. He smiled when he thought of the day when the guy would be madly in love with him, and he would get to tell him; sorry, not interested. Oh he couldn't wait!

A/N: I have done small editing in this chapter and took part of the repetitive scenes away, but left the first because I felt it gives better insight of both characters. There won't be repetitive scenes in further chapters :)

Any thoughts on Misha's or Joni's characters so far?