Author's Note: Okay guys, BIG mix up on this one. I accidentally had the poem Sequence up under this title... I selected the wrong document by accident. That explains the first review I got and the confusion. Sorry!
I also had a summary for this up, but someone who reviewed it made a good point: poetry should be able to stand on its own. I know this is kind of hard to understand, it only really makes sense to me, but I'm going to try to fix it up so it's more understandable. Also, people don't really seem to like the parentheses that much, but this was originally intended to be a song and I think that they make it more effective, so I'm going to keep them. Thanks for all of the concrit!
It eats me away inside:
Drug-induced days, drunken nights.
And on the corners of my dreams I see you waiting,
Try to reach out (no, you're fading!)
And that burning liquid I've tried to hide so well
Flows down the streets, pumps through my veins
It brings me to my knees, I cry
(This life's a living hell!)
Then someone sent me a simple savior.
I can walk these roads again.
One I don't deserve to hold me up, help me stand
(just tell me you love me again).
That yellow poison that covered the bricks, bubbles away to reveal
White walls, sharp smells…a man crying at my heels.
I can reach you now, touch your hair and then
I swear, I don't have to be here…
(just tell me you love me again).