Note: Thanks for the concrit! :) I made a few minor changes. If anyone else has suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them.
I lie still, withdrawn
Into my favorite quilt.
Drained, war-torn,
Confiding in the plush comfort.
Cool winds grace me through an open window;
Embrace, kiss, caress my exposed face,
Compensating for your absence.
They've never been so welcome.
Keys ring from the hallway,
Jingling until the match is made.
My burden lightens, knowing in your momentary anger
You had still locked the door to keep me safe.
Fresh from your recuperative walk,
You return to my side
But still cherry-cheeked
And dampened by your sea-salt eyes.
I reach for you, meek and weary.
You recognize the gesture and accept me;
Our harsh words mere echoes
In the foggy daze of repentance.
Your weight resigns upon mine,
My comforter discarded to the floor.
You alone are my Comforter now,
Uprooting our quarrel with your fond touch.