Brown Eyes
Brown eyes bring out compassion
unless they are filled with lies
I'll always have a question
when I look into your eyes
Just tell me the truth always
lead me away from your maze
I won't be caught in your maze
just give me some compassion
you push me away always
with your cold heart and cruel lies
but I just can't leave those eyes
leaving isn't the question
The truth I can't question
your gaze leaves me in a maze
don't look at me with those eyes
have a little compassion
let me leave, don't hide your lies
Why do I love you always?
I'll be with you for always
But your truth I still question
I'll never see through your lies
they weave such a complex maze
...if I understood your eyes...
You still fool me with those eyes
but honestly I always
thought you knew some compassion
your morals we all question
you must get lost in your maze
and all those breakable lies
You must get caught in those lies
even with those deep brown eyes
that lead through a giant maze
will you ever love always?
or will I always question?
can you create compassion?
lies are all you have always
eyes can mean lies, I question
the maze that is compassion