awe-inspiring grin
singular sparkling gaze
clouds part and God speaks
Pay Attention!
He listens to me
sometimes for half a second
truth: he never does.
Parking Lot
Outside the window
acres of metallic gleam
a ford paradise
Shattered Dreams
I once wished upon
a star standing in the sky.
It never came true.
They argue loudly
I can hear them from across
the far universe
The Mind
Writing a poem
music and serenity
happiness and pain
Go with the flow
eternity laughs
time is nothing but a fond joke
common sense speaks out
does it matter anyway?
Why not let it flow?
Forced Grin
Swallow quietly
scream only in silence
walk invisible
never let them see your pain
don't let then see you.
To Much
To young or to old
to tired or to awake
to painful to sad
to happy and far to glad
they die anyway
See the moon?
The moon is a flag
drawing the world to its eye
needs to be noticed
invisible doesn't suit
so we all wonder
What are we?
A brain.
A beating heart.
Lungs that breath in and out.
A soul to find your morals in.
Ten years
in the future
will you be there with me?
What will we see in this future?