
Most people agree that the Universe is a very big place. Some say its size is infinite. Now of all the billions of stars and thousands upon thousands of planets the Creator formed, do you really think Earth is the only planet with life of it?

Because it most certainly isn't.

Or if you prefer to believe in something like a "big bang" theory, according to the laws of probability is anything in an infinite universe really unique?

Of course not.

I'm here to assure you of this truth: there is life, intelligent life even, on at least one other planet. I would know-I live on it.

I write to you now to share a tale- a mere sliver in the story of an entire world-of the lives of some very influential people, and the lives of some people who don't look like much, but with their strength averted the great destruction they themselves could have created. And yes, I write to share my own story, as fabulous and fantastic as it is.

Life itself is absurd if you look in on it from an outsider's point of view. I won't ask you to believe what follows. But think and consider. Ponder. Wonder if maybe, just maybe I write to you of the truth.

Very few people acknowledge the truth of the universe as it is: it is a very tiny place in the realms of history.

A.N. Many of these drabbles will be introspective (like this one) or short scenes that can exist independently, but might be a bit confusing. I hope that the history of the world and the characters will slowly begin to be apparent.