AN: Here it is Guys!
Alright so I wasn't the most experienced person among my group of friends. Fuck, who was I kidding? the sixteen year old living in the apartment next to me was more experienced than I was. Oh Yes, I know this for a fact. I hear her several conquest every weekend. Every weekend while I sat in my small yet comfortable Manhattan apartment alone… Always alone. Since we're being honest with one and other I have a minor confession. I'm a virgin, ok more than that I haven't even been kissed. Oh sure this wouldn't be an abnormal confession if I were say thirteen , but I was a grown ass women , twenty –three years of age and completely untouched by man. No I'm not psychologically screwed up by a repressed memory of sexual abuse as a child, and I wasn't a prude believe it or not. In fact I was fucking horny as hell! Believe me many a night I thought of just going to some bar and demanding some drunken slob to have sweet sloppy sex with me, but then as I put my coat and heels on common sense kicks back in . Damn you common sense! If it weren't for you I'd probably be underneath some panting guy now getting my freak on.
Despite my craving for sex I was actually quite proud of my virginity. Twenty three and still not deflowered, I liked my flower thank you very much and no matter how much I wanted a penis I knew that whoever ended up taking my "gem" away was going to have to work his ass off for it. Yep, this chick was no easy lay. Obviously
When I was younger… OK nineteen, I told my sister I would remain a virgin for life and it was up to her to give our mother grandchildren considering I hoped to God my brother would never reproduce. The more I thought about it though I told her never mind I want babies. With artificial insemination I could have babies and remain a virgin. Why I wanted this is beyond me now as I think back, all I can do is blame it on me being sexually deprived. My sister thought I was crazy then and still thinks that, but despite this she still accepted the invitation to come and live with me. I regret asking her to come now and once again blame it on the fact that I am sexually deprived and my mind is shot to hell.
My sister, insert long sigh, was- is the pretty sister, with the high cheek bones pouty little lips smooth dark skin and a curvaceous body, she was walking sex, as my friend Jacob called her. She was blissfully unaware of her looks while I painfully was. Every time we went to family outings the whispers, "That Raina is just gorgeous , Her sister Leyah isn't much to look at though, good thing she's a smart one." Or I love this one. "Good lord are those Sandy's girls. Raina seems to be sucking the beauty out of Leyah, every time we see them she gets prettier while the other gets fatter!" HAHAHA! Hilarious aren't they.
God I absolutely love family.
I wasn't jealous, maybe a little, I loved my sister ,but living with her was going to be purgatory. Raina was nineteen and going through a long phase of promiscuity. We were raised as Muslims while Raina was the one to say you have sex, drink, or smoke you're going to hell ,My brother the druggie and me the future pill popping alcoholic, Raina was the good Muslim girl and now she was the complete opposite, the real reason I was taking her in was my mother was ready to commit homicide and believe
me despite her still being a good little Muslim she would do it. Believe me. She'd do it ( probably with a belt, maybe strangle you, beat you a little) .
I guess her becoming this "bad girl" was her way of saying fuck you mother for making me pray five times a day , when all I wanted to do was go to the mall!
Me , I was, still Muslim , well I liked to call myself a bohemian Muslim, I didn't cover, I drank occasionally ( and felt guilty afterwards every time ) I just wasn't the ideal Muslim.
Back to comparing myself to my sister, she, the goddess, was coming to live with me the crazy spinster sister. I personally didn't think I was as bad as my relatives said I was. The only feature I 'm proud of are my eyes, Large and almond shaped. So I was on the plump side, a size thirteen teetering on fourteen. I didn't have flawless skin in fact despite my age my face was still plagued with the occasional onslaught of acne. I didn't have beautiful pouty lips, they were lips, no long flowing hair, I had an afro, which I was damn proud of! It was getting to the length where I could be in one of those badass 70's films , you know the ones that make you want to go "that's a bad bad motha- shut yo mouth !" . Or maybe that's just me? Anyways, I was anything but beautiful, hell I wasn't even cute. But that was ok with me. Sometimes.
The sister, Raina, was supposed to be arriving today. Despite previous hesitations, I had decided that this was going to be a stellar experience. We would bond, she'd give me beauty tips, and I'd take her to art shows. This was going to be fun. We were going to be Bes-
The knock on the door surprised me and I glanced at my watch. Wow she was actually early, Two hours early. I went to open the door excited to see the young woman but was disappointedly so met with the grinning face of a green eyed red haired demon. Jacob
"Lele, you know I had to come over and greet your sister when she came!" He grinned, pushing past me into my apartment. He wanted to check her out some more screw saying hello.
"Well you're two hours early, so you can just walk your ass back outta here. " I didn't want my sister to be attacked by some horn dog when she first arrived.
"Aww Come on Lele, Me sleeping with your sister is inevitable; especially while she's going through this promiscuous phase I plan on taking full advantage of her."
Asshole, why was I friends with this boy again?
"And I promise you, right after you pull out of her I will be there with a butcher knife to castrate you." I grinned mussing his fiery hair.
He gave me a look of pure horror protectively grabbing his crown jewels
"You would do that to me? Your bestest friend in all New York City." Jacob asked in shock
"Oh give me a break! You know I would … But I know your also full of shit and won't make it to first base with my little sis. She's too hot for you." I said in a matter of fact voice, He wouldn't pull anything, he respected me and that respect meant he would leave my sister alone during her phase.
For the next two hours the two of us destroyed my kitchen making chocolate chip pancakes. Jacob was always fun, but if he puts the moves on my sister. I'll kill him…
In the middle of a whipped cream fight I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door whipped cream and all.
There she was in all her glory. My little sister Raina, She had small braids pulled into a pony tail, wearing a beautiful simple green summer dress, I embraced her forgetting I was a sticky mess, but she hugged me back .
"Oh Ray, how are you? I'm so glad you're here, we are going to have so much fun!" I pulled her in and her several bags. Geez girl, pack much?
When we reached the kitchen, we were met with a bare-chested Jacob, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Before I could say put your shirt on. Jacob was making his move. Like a red fox.
"Raina, how are you darling. You look delicious." He said embracing my sister with his bare chest. Was he serious? He made a move for her ass while winking at me.
I grabbed a nearby knife.
"Am I going to have to use this Jacob "My voice calm, raising the knife, clearly I meant business.
He quickly pulled away… Yeah that's what I thought.
"Oh Jacob! My sister hasn't jumped your bones yet? I don't know how she can resist that red hair of yours. And your chest is making me wet my panties right now" My sister spoke for the first time licking her lips. Mine and Jacobs's mouth dropped open. His face was..not almost.. the color of his hair.
This was some phase.
"Raina!" I yelled "U-Uh why don't we eat, we made your favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes." I said pulling her towards the table forcing her to sit at my small table.
Breakfast was an hour of flirting and footsie between the two a, I know this because several times my foot was accidentally nudged by my sisters. It was sickening .I wanted to vomit. I had to physically force Jacob out of my apartment, but not before the two exchanged cell numbers.
Maybe I was going to have to castrate Jacob. I turned to my sister with a small smile .She didn't return it and instead frowned.
"Leyah are you still a virgin?"
"Why is that any of your business, obviously you aren't." Why'd she need to know.
"Of course you are .Look at you, you reek virginity." She giggled picking up a suitcase and moving to her room (not hard to find, small apartment)
No I didn't… did I really?
"Oh and I hope you don't like Jacob because I plan on fucking him blind." Not waiting for my reply she slammed the door.
I looked up to the ceiling letting out a sigh. I grabbed the knife. I loved my sister dearly, but if she didn't shape up I might have to just cut that bitch. I blame my violent nature on being sexually deprived.
AN: I hope y'all enjoyed the opening chapter. I know nothing too exciting, but I have some ideas where to take this and of course I wanna know what y'all think so leave a review! Thanks! I know it's laced with grammatical errors. Forgive me.