Double Identity Ai version
A.N; Hey guys, sorry if this chapter is horrible I am going through a hard time, just found out a friend was using me. anyways….. I hope you guys like this chapter I already have the next few chapter plan out, Will Hitzune ever wake up? Or will he die? Maybe He'll stay in a coma no one but me knows lol. I am hearing Phil Collin –Against all odd to help me write this chapter. Well let me shut up
I stopped at Sukiyaki looking at what use to be the school I went to. I knew I needed to see Him soon or I might just break down for the first time in a very very long time. I walked to the soccer field until I heard some voices.
"Sweetie are you sure that you aren't over doing it"A female voice said sounding worry.
"Don't worry, they can handle this, they are strong" He said in his usual tone. I walked a bit closer to take a good look at them. The girl I saw with him was the same purple head girl I saw him with the last time.
"Oh sweetie I already have the flower ready for our wedding" I felt like someone took my heart out. Like I was the worst of the worst and I knew right there what I needed…I needed something to take my mind out of this.
"That good, which flower did you choose" I couldn't stand his voice anymore... I ran away, ran as fast as I could until I was far away from my past. I went to a store and took out some money.
"Give me a box of Cigarette" I told the guy smoothly, when he looked at me weirdly I said
"It for my brother, He's 20" Lying smoothly. The guys seem to buy it and gave me the box of cigarette. I walked to a ally and Lit up a cigarette. I smoked it happily starting to forget things.
Kile P.O.V;
Hitzune wake up, she really needs you now. She going out of her mind I don't even recognize her. God Hitzune wake up
"Beep….Beep…Beep" The annoying heart monitor was the only thing I could hear. I looked at my younger brother. So young and yet not being able to live his life. I remember how full of life he use to be.
"Kile can you help us with our soccer practice" Hitzune 8 year voice asked me grinning
"Not right now, My friend coming" I told him walking away from him.
"It just for a bit Kile" He said his grin turning into a pout.
"No!" I yelled at him, going inside the house.
"Alright if that what you want brother" I heard Hitzune voice say sadly.
Later that day while I was talking to my friend Mike about our new homework my aunt came into my room.
"Hitzune sick again we need to go to the hospital fast" She said crying. I gave Mike a worry look and ran out to Hitzune and Kitzune room. My aunt Kaiya had just carried him. She ran down stair with him I could see Kitzune crying so I carried her and walked down stair then walked to the car. Once we where at the hospital I stated remembering how I had acted with him.
"He getting more ill then the last time. I don't know how much longer he can hold on." The doctor told my aunt.
"Is there anything we can do about it?" My aunt asked the doctor worriedly.
"Just have hoped that he will get better" The doctor said sadly. I knew from that day on that I had to take care of Kitzune and Hitzune.
End of Flashback;
"Oh Hitzune" I whisper grabbing his hand. I left the hospital to the café shop. The song 'Against all odd' by Phil Collin was playing. I wish I could hear Hitzune again.
End of Kile P.O.V/ Back to Kitzune P.O.V
I had just finish coming back when Kaiya stopped me.
"We need to talk" She said softly looking at me.
I sat down and said" What about?"
"Well mom adopted 3 kids they are planning on coming in 2 month. You know how mother is, There parents were killed infront of them when they were very young. The eldest is 15 year old and a boy. The girl is 14 and her name is Amber, The youngest is a boy his name is Allen he is 12 and the 15 year old boy name is Aden" She explain looking at me.
"Alright" With that said I went to my room and felt asleep.
Kitzune P.O.V
"Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitzuuuuuuuuuuu" The same voice said again
"Not again" I tried to run away from it
"Oh Kitzune don't you love me anymore" Hitzune said appearing. He was bleeding everywhere his right eye missing and guts Visible.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I scream trying to walk away.
"Soon very soon you will join me dear Kitzune" He whisper with an evil Smile then everything went black.
End of Kitzune Dream;
I woke up sweating. That dream was hunting me everywhere.
"Oh Hitzune" I whisper whipping away the sweat.
"My sweet sweet Hitzune" I sighed.
A.n;Hope everyone liked it, Sorry if it was lame and YAY finally chapter 10. See you guys next time