Have you ever notice how things are dark and I My name is Hasari(pronaunce Ha-Sah-Ree)Enemene (lonley Flower) Drew. I am a soon to be journalist atleast that what people I should just tell you what up right?

It all started a long time ago with my Family ancestor but you will learn about that later on in the story.

I am a foster child. a prodigy some people say. just to warn you being a proidgy is not always good.I have never eaten a hot dog or hamburger or those type of food for the manner.

Inof of this and let start the story.
Flower blossom story Intro

"HASARI WAKE UP "I heard my mother is not really my mom she is my foster mother.

"I AM AWAKE!"I yelled was the day I leave.I was leaving to a foster house now dont start thinking thinks I am simply going to teach there because I dont want to stay home it gets boring.

My mother has black-ish blue hair with blue-ish grey eyes. Nothing like my red hair and violet father has dark purple hair with purple eyes.

"HASARI"oops I fotgot I had to go downstair, I ran downstair and saw my mother.

"You ready Hasari?"She ask me nodding

"yes mother"I reply smiling. I am so glad to leave. I preffer my father he spend more time with me and he was the one who tought me so many things normal kids do. My mother sees me more like a award

I felt strong arms around my waist

"Good luck sweety"My father whispered in my ear then kissed my forehead

"Thanks daddy"I smiled up at him. I hugged him tightly then I left.

a taxi was waiting for me already. I eneter ther taxi and we left to the airport

18 hour later

I had just finish taken a second taxi this time to the orphan home.

I saw a big red builden with ivy I got out of the taxi and payed him then told him to keep the change.

"guess it time"I whispered to myself and headed inside. I went to the office and saw a young lady with dark purple hair and lavnder looked to be maybe 23 year old.

"hello dearie I am how nice of you to come"She said in a motherly voice.

"hello um... I was looking for the owner of this orphan hehe"I reply nervously

"That would be me.."she told me smiling

"arent you to young ma'am?"I asked confused

"Nope just turned 49 year old"She said laughing at my expression. I seriously thought she could be 23 year old

"I-I a-am-s-so-sorry ma'am it just..umm...you look like in your 20's"I stuttured

"I get that a lotm dearie no worryes. HITACHI COME INSODE WILL YOU DEARIE"she screamed smiling

a boy with black hair and orange eyes that looked to be 16 eneterd the was scolding at nothing in particular,

"Yes ?"He asked boredly in a silky solf voice.

"Can you please help here with things and show her to her room as well please"Ms. stone told him then winked at me.

he tooked my bag and looked at me

"Fallow me"He said then walked away. I had to run to catch up with him.

8 minutes later

"There your room"He said then started walking away

"WAIT"I yelled

"hm?"He asked

"Thank you very much"I told him and bowed

"okay"He reply then walked away

I cant wait to see him again.!

JELLO! I promise this story will get better I already have it plan out and all what you guys think so far?In the next chapter I will intrude more character

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"We call him mute"one of the kids said

"Why"I ask curiously

"Cus he dont talk at all"The kid reply

"well you dont look like a mute to look like a derick. DERICK I WILL MAKE YOU TALK"I Said grinning looking at class just got funner -

Crazy crazy hisari haha

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