Alright sorry it took me so long:

That voice is Peter.

Peter is my…alright what just happened?!

"Where did you come from" Sam practically growled.

"Okay I could have sworn a second ago he wasn't there."

"He wasn't" Sam and Jake said.

"Okay than where was he?"

Suddenly, Sam started to talk angrily in a different language.

"Hey! when did you learn that language" I asked

Surprisingly peter started to answer him back.

"Wait the both of you know the same language?!"

"They came from a place far, far way from here" Jack said softly.

"Enough!" Peter screamed "I will be the one taking care of her from this point on."

Back to what I was saying before . Peter is my brother's friend. He…WHAT did he just SAY?!

"We had an agreement Peter. I would take care of Lilyan until she turned of age. She would than make a choice and would never be forced to the one who she denied. You are turning her into Christina." Sam said with a look in his eye.

I know that look well. This was one that said something bad was going to happen to peter and whatever happened was NOT going to be explained to me.

"She has grown close to you. When she makes her disicion, she will odviously choose you. We both-"

"Hey I have got some questions. Now the two of you-"

" Lilyan don't start" Jack said gently.

"Shut up. Now the two of you are going to answer some questions for me. And the only reason I'm interested is because you said my name-"

"Lilyan you have got to stop-"

Sam and Peter turn towards Jack.

"You will stop commanding her" they said together.


Peter sighs.

"She may stay with you until she turns. After that I will start fighting for her."

He grabed a hold of my chin and looked at me directly into my eyes.

"hey! What are you doing?! Let go of me!"

"No" Peter said still looking at me.

"Fine" I grumbled. I pulled my arm back and punched him in his fake nose. I turned around and walked to Sam's car when I saw it.