Eclips lunar
We are known as the creature of night. As the dead who walk on earth. We are known as Vampires. Enter the world of vampires, my world. My world of darkness, of moons and nights. Enter the world of Hanari Lee Damon.
We as in my family and I live among human, we live among those who see us as a myth. But also of those who are like us of mythical creatures.
"Honey are you ready for the new school" My mother ask me. She had beutiful blond hair that stop at her back with light blue eyes and cute little dimples when she smiles. she actually looked very young like if she was in her 30's. We do not age that is something myth actually had correct.
"Yeah hey is Maximilian coming as well ma?"I asked her. Yes I call my mother ma instead of mom or mommy or mother. Maximilian is my Brother. I look nothing like my mother. unlike her I have red hair with green eyes.
"Yeah do not worry he is coming you know him. oh !Anary is coming too it a fine day for school do you not think dear" Ma told me. Anary is my twin sister but she has light red hair with the same green eyes I have. of course she and I do not really have the same personality. She is more of the loud patient type of person and I am more of the short temper impatient type.
"Morning honey goodmorning dear. How are you both?"My father asked. He had the same blond hair my mother had wich was neck lenth with green eyes. He actaully look like if he was around 33 or 36 year old.I myself look in my young teenage years.
"I am good pa what about you?"I is Anary darn it!
"I am good how abut you honey?"My pa ask my ma. People saw them as the perfect couple. young with kids and kind.
"I am very good what more can I ask for" My ma said smiling warmly the way only mother can smile.
"HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOO GOODMORNING EVERYONE"Anary yelled coming into view. she had on a purple dress almost like mine except mine was black with a small red angel while her had a orange kitty. following her was maximilian. He had Honey color hair with matching eyes. He was about 6'8ft. Yes he is very tall but not that tall compare to our father who is 7'1ft. our mother on the other hand was actually smaller being 5'9. Anari and I both where 5'10ft.
"Anari shut up you are to loud and it to freaking early in the morning it freaking 6;59am darn it" So as I guess everyone noticed Maximilian is NOT a morning person. He glared at Anari.
Then Haku came to view. Haku is our other younger brother. He seems very young with golden hair and eyes. He stood at 5'9ft.
"Why are you yelling Anari and why are you angry max?"He asked in a very soft yet sweet voice. He is the closes to mother personality and he seems to be the only one who can control us.
"Anari here darn it! Yelled at 6;59AM it to freaking early Haku! TO FREAKING EARLY"He practiclly yelled
"Calm down dear Maximilian.I wont do it again does that make you happy?and I was just happy that all Haku"Anari reply smiling sweetly.
"Right well it time for all of you to go to school"Pa told us nodding then he kissed ma in the cheek and whisperd a 'I love you' to her.
"Andrewet(pronaunce andrew-et) Dear are you going to be here for dinner?" Ma ask our pa. He is the oldest of all of us even ma..
"Yes Andromeda(pronaunce Andro-meh-duh)I'll call if I cannot make it"He told ma lovingly then walked off to his car.
"Alrighty kids time to go" Ma said clapping her hands then kissing each of us in the cheek and wishing us luck in our first day of school
Anari and I both walked to our black eclips, Max walked to his Blue with orange fire motorbike and gave a helmet to Haku who sadly looked as if he was 14. We nodded and headed to our new school James William school. it was from grade 5th to 12th grade.
I turned on the radio and one of my favorite song was on
This is the story of a girl
Who cried a river and drowned the whole world
And while she looks so sad in photographs
I absolutely love her
When she smiles
How many days in a year
She woke with hope but she only found tears
I can be so insincere
Making her promises never for real
As long as she stands there waiting
Wearing the holes in the soles of her shoes
How many days disappear
You look in the mirror
So how do you choose
Your clothes never wear as well the next day
And your hair never falls in quite the same way
You never seem to run out of things to say" Then Anari cleared her throat. Oh right she is still here
"Yes sister?"I ask rather irritated at her.
"Couldnt you go a bit faster?""She said smirking. I could see she was thinking the same thing I was.
10 minute later
"That was Fun" Anari exclaim as we parked in our new school. Mathew and Haku where both waiting outside cooly.
"Finally"Max said smirking then he walked off. We heard gasp from students everywhere hell I think I saw some teacher gasp. We Opened the double doors to the cafeteria and where met by shock faces
"Who are they?"We heard whisper
"Esto es divertido"Anari said in spanish smirking again.(A/N;Translation;This is fun)
"Si lo es. Cuanto piensas que duraremos aqui?"I asked rather boredly(Translation;Yes it much do you think we will stay here?)
I hope this places is not boring. Not like the one we went to seriously it was so Boring. We had nothing at all to do.
I wish this places turns out to be less boring then the last one. You know what they say be careful what you wish for.
A/N;I am sorry for any grammer mistake or any mistake at all. The lyric to "Absolutely(story of a girl) does not belong to me it belongs to Nine days and the eclips company does not belong to me AT ALL. the rest is of my imagination;I am sorry if this was boring but I promise it gets more interesting in the next chapters. and more new characters. Well goodbye and see you next time
Until next times and sorry again about grammer mistakes and incorrection with words