Summer Love
"Hurry up"I mummbled glaring at the stupid clock.
"and now class-"DING DING
"Well I guess class is over have a nice summer everyone and be careful"our homeroom teacher exclaim then we all ran out of school
"Oh my Gosh I am so glad school finally ended"My bestest friend ever Hanna Lisa Green hugged me tightly and we started jumping up and down together
"I know I have a lot to do I am planning on writing a new story this summer"I Tear Hanari Lee Am going to have the best summer ever. We started walking to my house just talking about stuff
"I am planning on doing a lot of shopping"Hanna told me smiling her green eyes full of life.
"You just loooooooooooove shopping"I told her rolling my dark grey eyes
"Yup"that when we noticed we where in front of my house. I took out my key and open the door
"MA I AM HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOME"I yelled looking around
"Honey we need to talk...Oh Hello Hanna""My ma looked serious for light brown eyes looking at me.
"err...I think I'll go see you later Kitty"with that hanna ran off to god knows where her Light brown hair Vanishing as well.
"Sooooo...What wrong ma?"I was already thinking of anything I did wrong...nope nothing
"Remember christopher honey he is coming to stay with us for a bit"I think hell froze right now
"Wha?"I asked eye wide
"Is something wrong with him staying here sweety"My ma asked worried.
"n-no not at all ma"I think it just got hot in here.
"Good well he will be arriving tommorow be nice to him"With that my ma left to the kitchen and I was left there glaring at nothing...
BEEP...BEEP...BEE-"SHUT UP"I yelled at my annoying hello kitty alarm clock. I am telling you that stuff is evil. I turned it off and looked at the time. 10.55am
"TEAR SWEETY COME DOWN WE HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU"My hyper mother yelled it scary how she can be so hyper. let me tell you I am not a morning person.
I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, did my hair,took a bath and then I put on a blue T-shirt with blue short and a blue sandal. I looked myself in the mirror my redish-brown hair in a low pony tail and my dark grey eye looking lazily yet full of life back at me.
I ran downstair then stop when I saw him
"Long time no see eh? kiddo"He smirk at me
"Christopher..."Why me WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
"Chris"he corrected me. Oh yea I forgot he hates being call chris
"soooo how long you staying here"I tried looking everywhere but his eyes. Oh his eyes.. I noticed he had on a red shirt with jeans.
"I dont know yet"His british accent was so cute I just felt like hugging him, wich is what I did..
"Just hug me back"I told him rolling my eyes, Then he hugged me tightly just like old times
"Why do you have to leave?"I yelled at him
"I just need to I wish I didnt"He touched my cheek and made me look directly at his beutiful sea green yellow-ish eyes
"I'll miss you"I hugged him tightly just one last time..
"I'll miss you to tear just dont forget me"then he kissed me on the cheek and left..I stayed there his black hair vanishing threw out the taxi window then just like that he was gone
End of Flashback
"Earth to Tear"I heard chris voice
"wha?"I looked at his sea green yellow-ish eyes and how wierd they are
"Nevermind Hanari nevermind"He told me shaking his head I just noticed his hair got longer
"How was England?"I ask him jumping on a sit
"err...Good I guess I made a lot of mates there"Chris was born in England but he and his family moved here to New York when he was 3 year old
"Hey where is Christian?"I asked him rememebering his awesome brother
"He is coming later on you know how he is"He told me scratching his neck
"Yup he is funny,silly,caring,amusing,interesting err. the opposite of you"I told him grinning like a 3 year old
"ha ha ha it was so funny I forgot to laugh"He told me rolling his eyes
"but darling you just laugh"I smirked then I burt out laughing
"TEAR. CHRISTOPHER COME HERE FOR A MINUTE"my ma yelled from the kitchen
"Here we go again"we both said in unision then we started laughing as we walked to the kitchen
A.N/ JELLO EVERYONE yup another new story this one is more personal tho do you guys think? Like?Dislike? I am hyper tehe blame my friend he gets me hyper sorry for any misspell and grammer and any other mistake I made.