Summer love

A/N; Thanks MagicWords for your review! It really motivated me to write this chapter. Sorry if the first chapter seem lamed, also sorry for any error what so ever. This story actually relates a lot through what happen with my friend(Chris) and I. well in this chapter there a surprise! Sorry if this chapter turns out boring and to short or to long I'll shut up now. ENJOY!

"I am glad you guys haven't killed each other!" My Mom told us when we enter the kitchen.

"Thank u again for letting me stay here " Chris eyes where full of sincerity.

"You are welcome Chris dear, Oh right anyways Christian will be arriving sooner then we expected." My mother told us grinning.

"YES!" I screamed jumping up and down while laughing.

"Do you know why?" Chris asked her sounding a bit annoy

"I am sorry I don't "My mother reply shaking her head.

"Hey Chris want to go eat Breakfast at this cool place?" I asked him already walking out.

"Sure" he followed me outside. I started walking to the usual place I hang out Lave Coffee Restaurant.

I went to the usual sit and waited for Chris to catch up.

"So how are things with Christian and you?" I asked him looking outside.

"Just like it always been…." He sigh shaking his head.

"Hey Tear….ooooo I see you have someone with you today…and who would that be?" Betty who was the waitress today asks me happily.

"That Chris…I'll have the usual Bet" I reply rolling my eyes. The thing is Bet is boy crazy…

"Hello…um….I would like a black coffee with not to much sugar" Chris order blushing.

"Sure thing Love" with that said Betty walked away.

"Will you and Christian ever get along" I asked him worried.

"Can we please just change the subject" He looked away from me.

"You can't run away from your problem Chris…You guys are brother for god sake!" I glared at him as hard as I could.

"Oh...Says who YOU…you are one to speak Tear" He said shooting me an evil glare. When he realized what he said he gave me a sorry look. I put money in the table and ran back to my house.

I ran to my room and locked myself. That jerk had no right to say what he said…


"Come on you are to slow" A maroon hair boy said laughing.

"no fair" a little 4 year old red hair girl yelled running after the boy.

"Catch me!" The Boy scream still laughing.

"You are to fast big brother" The little girl then started to cry.

"I'll slow down how bout that Tear?" He said running to the young girl.

"Wokay!" The young girl known as Tear smiled.

"YOU CANT CATCH ME" The boy scream running again.

"SKY!" Tear scream running again. She tackled the boy known now as Sky and took the white teddy he was holding.

"Guess you win Tearly" He said hugging her tightly.

"We gonna be best fwend forever and ever" She whisper hugging him back.

"And ever and ever" He whispered

End of Flashback;

"Sky" I whispered as I felt asleep. I didn't wake up for the rest of the day.

When I woke up at 8am I was sweating. I walked to the bathroom and did the usual. This time I put on a small black pant with a Naruto red Shirt.

I went down stair when I went to the kitchen I stopped dead in my track.

"CHRISTIAN" I scream running to him and hugging him tightly.

"Hello love" He said smiling.

"He got here at 7pm yesterday….I am sorry but I didn't want to wake you up" Mom told me giving me a plate full of egg and bread.

"I missed you…and Chris can get annoying after a while" I told Christian remembering what he did yesterday.

"I see" Christian said. The twins started to glare at each other and the atmosphere got dark.

"I am going for a walk" With that said Chris left mumbling to himself.

"What wrong with him?" Christian asked laughing

"Same old same old" I reply taking a bite out of my breakfast.

"Kids this day" My mother mumble shaking her head.

A.N; so I am sorry for the ending…didn't really know how to end it. What did you guys think of it? I like it? Dislike it?hm?hm? So you met a new character this chaper… you will know more about Sky and Christian as the story goes on. I don't know when I'll be able to update again maybe tomorrow if I don't get to much Homework. Well let me shut up now.
