IMPORTANT a/n: For all you Ashley lovers out there this chapter is all in Ashley's p.o.v. and was written by the real Ashley who inspired the character.
Ashley's P.O.V.
Ethan chuckled, "Lovers' quarrel?"
"Something like that." I watched Gavin disappear out the club doors after his lover.
He didn't know Connor as well as I did yet. Courtesy of my long term friendship with his twin sister, I knew him pretty damn well. Gavin didn't understand how territorial Connor could be with the things and people he considered to be his, but he would learn soon enough.
When we were younger, Connor and I used to fight constantly. He didn't like that he had to share his sister with other people. She was his twin so therefore she belonged to him and only to him. The fight only stopped when Dana finally put her brother in his place. It was a rather violent public affair, to say he learned his lesson about monopolizing his twin would be an understatement. However, just because he learned his lesson didn't change his feelings. It took more than a year for him to finally come to terms with Dana's friends, and he did that by making us his friends as well, that way in his eyes we all belonged to him. He was like the overprotective brother I never need nor wanted, and that was putting it kindly.
Pushing away the reflections of the past I smiled and excused myself to the restroom. Justin, Shannon's boyfriend, appeared in street clothes just as I stood up, his shift must be over. Good, now I didn't have to feel guilty about lying. Truth be told I just needed some air, to escape myself for even a moment. My smile fell and I reached up to massage my aching cheeks, I didn't realize how exhausting it was to play at happy.
I pushed open the door that lead into the ally and took a long drag of the fresh night air. The ally was small and poorly lit, the only sources of light being the flickering street light on the road near the ally entrance. Empty wooden alcohol crates littered the sides of the brick walls and the dumpster near the entrance was nearly overflowing with used napkins, empty beer and liquor bottles. It was actually fairly clean and decent smelling for an ally, except for the designated vomit trash can in the darkest corner near the back. I ran my hands through my thick hair holding it away from my face. The door swung closed behind me quieting the club music so that I could finally hear my own thoughts again.
I didn't understand how my mom could even think of marrying another man. Dad had only died four years ago and the memory of it was still so fresh in my mind. My father was the kindest man with the warmest smiles and safest arms that I had ever known. He didn't deserve what happened to him. How could she fathom bringing not just one but two new men into our lives? How could she even think of trying replacing the irreplaceable? How could she? I was drowning and I couldn't find my way back to the surface. My eyes burned as tears fought their way to the surface. No, I refused to cry anymore I was stronger than this. I leaned against the brick wall my head tilted towards the night sky as I tried to regain a grip on reality.
I ran a hand through my thing hair as I composed myself, rebuilding the shield that had briefly crumbled. If I wasn't on the brink of a mental break down maybe I would have heard a door creak as it opened and if I had perhaps I wouldn't have walked face first into a warm wall of muscle. High heels plus bumping into someone equals falling, which is what would have happened if not for the arm that snaked around my waist. I was pulled flush against the body I just ran into, I bit my lip to quite the girly shriek that tried to spill from my throat as I tried to regain my balance. My hand spread out over impressive pectorals, and I lifted my eyes to the man that very nearly planted my ass on the asphalt. However, when I saw his face all thoughts of berating him on manners and personal space left my mind. My lips parted in a breathy sigh, he was absolutely stunning.
"Are you alright?" His chest rumbled with the deep timbre of his voice.
The rich sound sent pleasant shivers down my spine, a sensation that complimented the warmth spreading through my body form every place our bodies touched. I unconsciously leaned in closer to his body and inhaled the warm spicy male scent of him, he smelled divine. What was I doing? I shook my head and pushed against his chest, he resisted for just a moment, but that moment was enough for me to feel the incredible strength of his arms. He could keep me in his arms if he really wanted to and I could do nothing to stop him. Except for maybe going for his family jewels, that generally worked on entirety of the male populace.
"I'm fine." I said when he let go of me. I ran my hands down the sides of my dress to make sure it hadn't ridden up to a more indecent length than it already was.
I should have worn something else; I tugged at the hem wishing it were longer. I was suddenly feeling way too slutacular in the red and black lacy dress, maybe it had something to do with the fact that the stranger couldn't seem to lift his gaze from the length of my exposed thighs.
He cocked an eyebrow when he looked up at me, the look in his hazel eyes said he was not convinced. I wished the lighting in the alley was better, I had a feeling that in the light of day those eyes would be absolutely mesmerizing. What am I thinking? Seriously I needed to stop with the fantasizing about this guy.
"You're lying." He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the wall in front of me. Perceptive bastard.
"Well aren't you perceptive, what are you a mind reader?" I asked as I mimicked his position against the opposing wall and glared. I didn't mean to be so hostile but I had a lot of pent up frustration and he was a convenient target.
An arrogant smirk stretched across his delectable mouth. "What's got a pretty little thing like you all riled up?"
"None of your damn business." I snapped. I tried to ignore the fluttering sensation in my stomach his flattery caused. I've heard prettier words from other men and had no reaction, what made him so different. Why was I still out here talking to him for that matter? I was at a loss as to find an answer but I couldn't seem to find the will to leave. "Nosey bastard." I mumbled under my breath.
"I'm wounded." He said clutching at his heart as if he truly was injured, but the condescending humor in his eyes told a different story.
"I'm sure your over inflated ego can take it."
He just smiled in mild amusement. I saw some indefinable emotion flash in his eyes and I thought it might have been bitterness, but it was gone before I could be sure. I sighed and leaned my head back against the bricks, my stomach churned uneasily. He had done nothing to deserve the sharp edge of my frustration. Shannon would definitely berate me if she was out here right now.
"Sorry." I said still looking up at the sky. I didn't have to be looking at him to sense his surprise, he definitely wasn't expecting that. I moved my gaze from the sky and back to the handsome face in front of me.
"No need." He brushed off my apology with shrug, but tension I hadn't realized was there drained out of him.
A comfortable silence settle between us, only the muffled rhythmic beat of music from the two building filled the air. I allowed myself the pleasure of just staring at him and he seemed to do the same. He really was the perfect male specimen, and I had seen a lot of truly gorgeous men. I mean I hung out with Connor, Gavin, and Justin on a regular basis and no one could deny how handsome they were.
He had dark hair, but I couldn't tell what color exactly in this lighting, that fell carelessly into his eyes. It wasn't too long or too short, but perfect for running my hands through, and how I wanted to sink my fingers into it to test its softness. He was tan, a natural tan that suggested he wasn't completely Caucasian but something more exotic. He had high cheekbones that framed his piercing eyes and a strong square jaw softened by delicious cupids bow lips. As beautiful as his face was it was his body that really spoke to me. Even leaning against a wall as he was I could tell he was big, and I don't just mean tall. He was extremely well muscled, from the brief period I lay against him I felt the hard contours of his abdominals and the impressive strength of his arms. I don't know where the thought came from but I had the sudden urge to rip off his clothing, just so I could see what was hidden underneath.
"So do you have a name oh great mind reader?" I teased trying to make light my earlier snarkiness, and I tried not to think about him naked. At least until after I knew his name.
He chuckled, a deep throaty sound that did something to my previously almost nonexistent libido. "Rafe, and what is your name little viper?"
"Rafe." I said testing the feel of his name on my tongue, heat darkened his pretty eyes. I smiled seductively at him and his arms bulged against his chest. I walked up to him my hips swayed with every step, he was riveted. His eyes devoured every curve of my body, a trail of heat left in their wake. My friends all call me a tease because I loved the feel of a man's desire, but I have a fairly strict 'you can look but you can't touch' policy. This time was different. I wanted to feel his muscles and feel his hands on my body, burning me just as his eyes singed me now. I stopped barely a breath away from his body, I could feel the heat radiating off his body through the material of my dress. I trailed my fingers down his chest and tilted my head to the side, my long hair spilling over my shoulder in a gentle cascade. "Viper, is that really appropriate?"
"Yes." His voice was rougher than it had been a moment ago. It probably had to do with the fact that he seemed unable to lift his eyes from my barely concealed chest. "And a tease." He really was a very perceptive man.
Rafe stood up to his full height and his movements forced me away from his body. He had to be at least six feet tall if not more, he towered over me even in my heels. He stepped towards me, his eyes fixed on me with an almost predatory hunger. I stepped back away from him until I felt the rough bricks against my back once more. He smiled revealing a set of straight white teeth, it was a smile more about victory than about joy. My hands curled into fists as I fought the urge to reach up and run my fingers through his thick dark chocolate brown hair. He leaned over me and he rested his hands on either side of my head effectively caging me inside a prison of his body. "Gotcha."
"It seems I've been caught." I said trapped in his hypnotic eyes.
"So it would seem." He said, one of his hands trailed through my hair. I tried not to close my eyes at the tingling sensation that started in my scalp and spread warmth though my body. "You wouldn't happen to know the name of the little snake I've just captured, now would you?"
"No, but I'm sure a Herpetologist would know." I smiled up at him my eyes shaded by my thick lashes.
Rafe threw his head back and laughed a deep throaty sound that was so seductive. I tried to suppress the shudder of pleasure I felt radiating through my body. If his visceral grin was anything to go by, I failed, miserably. At least I wasn't the only on affected by our proximity. He brought his face down to his hand holding my hair and inhaled.
"You sell like apple pie." He murmured with his eyes closed as if he was savoring the smell, I'm never changing my shampoo ever again.
"That would be my shampoo." My hands found their way to his pectorals, his muscles flexed under my fingertips. I had never been this instantly turned on by a man in my entire life. Heat filled my body a heady sensation like almost nothing else I had ever felt.
"Do you have a comment for everything?" He shook his head a hint of a smile played at the corner of his delectable lips.
"Most of the time yes." I said and moved my hands from his pectorals to his bulging biceps.
"Stubborn woman." He said and rested his forehead against mine
"I'll take that as a compliment."
"You do that." Rafe said and ran his large callused hand through my hair again. "Am I ever going to get a name out of you?"
"Rachel-" I started.
"Thank y-" He smiled and some of the tension began to leave his body.
"McAdams." I finished and he tensed right back up again.
"You know very well I meant you name." He said as his hand came to rest at the base of my skull. His finger massaged the area lightly and he made it almost impossible for me to think.
"But you didn't say that now did you?" I know it's not smart to taunt someone so much bigger than myself, but I really couldn't help myself.
"Your name?" Rafe demanded his hand fisted in the hair at the nape of my neck and tilted my head so that our lips were mere centimeters apart. I shuddered a pleasurable chill racing down my spine. Well it looked like he was done playing nice. His free arm slid around my waist and pulled me almost roughly against his hard body.
"Ashley." I was shocked by the breathless quality of my voice. Since when did I get breathy like some armature porn star.
"Finally." He practically growled seconds before his lips crashed against my own. His mouth was just as delectable as it looked.
He kissed me like a starving man at the last supper. I was being burned from the inside out, heat pulled between my thighs. My hands sank into the soft silken strands of his dark hair giving me the leverage I needed to pull myself even closer to him. His hand released my hair and traveled down my back until he cupped my ass in both his large palms. He lifted me up his hands sliding under my thighs and I locked my legs around his hips. He stepped forward until I was sandwiched between his body and the wall, my dress ridding up my thighs. I probably looked like a prostitute but for the life of me I couldn't bring myself to care. This was the escape I was looking for, and it was glorious.
I freed on of my hands from his hair and ran it down his hard body until I reached the hem of his shirt. I slid my hand under his shirt over the flesh beneath and we both shuddered. I felt the proud thrust of his erection against my core, a sign that he wanted me just as badly as I wanted him. His hands roamed greedily over my body, caressing every inch of me that he could, and it was heavenly.
I don't know how much time passed but I think I might have fucked him right there in that alley if not for the crash of a door being thrown open and a pair of highly intoxicated women stumbling out of the strip club. Rafe tore his mouth from mine a low vicious growl rumbling in his throat, I don't think he liked being interrupted. The pair just giggled and stumbled out of the alley oblivious to how close they had come to death, if they had been men, I'm sure Rafe would have beaten them.
"Put me down." I struggled to gain control of my traitorous body, I could not have sex in an alley with a guy I just met like some five dollar hooker. I refuse to be that slutty.
Rafe glared at me his arms tightening around my waist, for a minute I didn't think he would do it. Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before letting me slid down the length of his body until my high heels clicked against the pavement. Even though I know I should move away from his body I couldn't bring myself to do it, I moved my hand from his shoulder and rested them against his pectorals. We were now in the same position we had been in when he stopped my fall, it seemed oddly fitting.
"Well I sure wasn't expecting that when I came out for some air." I said with a small laugh.
"I wasn't either, but I sure as hell enjoyed every second of it." He smiled down at me, one of his hands tracing small patterns against my spine. Delicious shivers stretched though my body, five more minutes of that and we would be back to ravishing each other. What the hell was wrong with me? I don't do this kind of thing, especially with a man I just met. Damn it to hell, I'll just blame it on hormones.
"Rafe." A vaguely familiar male voice called from the mouth of the alley, he tensed his warm eyes became hard and cold in a second.
"I guess that's my queue." He didn't sound happy about it at all. "Meet me tomorrow night at Inferno?"
"I'll be there." I could see the uncertainty in his eyes as he hesitated to leave. "I promise."
He leaned down so he was eyelevel with me, "You better be, or I will just have to hunt you down."
"And how will you manage that with just my first name?" I asked trying not to laugh.
"Don't test me little viper." He breathed against my lips before giving me one final searing kiss
I watched him disappear out of the alley, and I touched my lips. My lipstick was probably gone but damn if it wasn't completely worth it. I guess I would be going to the restroom after all. I turned and reentered the strip club my first stop, the restroom to re apply my lipstick. One must always keep up appearances.
a/n: The next chapter will be in Gavin's p.o.v.. Please review