This was an original composition I had to do in English. Had around an hour, did in 45 minutes.

It started on a sunny day in Vancouver, B.C. I was out to do some grocery shopping, when suddenly, my friend from high school approached me. His name was Chase. It has been years since I last saw him at graduation. We went to our own separate paths that summer and never had a chance to stay in contact. Chase and I decided to use this unexpected encounter to catch up on each other′s lives in a cozy café down the street. Chase described how fabulous his life had been. He had skipped any further education and went straight into his favourite hobby- skateboarding. I was skeptical with his explanation and asked for him to elaborate. In return, he said that Element (a professional skateboarding team) had seen him performing stunts in a skateboard park and was amazed at how experienced he was. The contract came almost immediately. After four and a half years of skateboarding professionally, Chase had earned big bucks. Our conversation lasted for hours and soon, it was time for us to depart.

The day disappeared and was replaced by a dark blue sky embedded with sparkling diamonds. I cautiously walked home, deciding to forget about the groceries so late at night. A chilling breeze ruffled my long locks of hair. Being a woman has her disadvantages, it was definitely dangerous to be alone outside in the curtain of darkness.

The journey from where I was to home is actually quite peaceful, but when footsteps were heard from behind, I knew that I am FAR from being safe. Every once in a while, I would look over my shoulder and quicken my pace. The mysterious person followed. I can hear my heart thumping rapidly, my breathing coming out in pants, and my ears ringing in alarm. Just when I thought I had made it to a crowded area, the person grabbed me from behind. My mouth opened, ready to let out a piercing scream, but he placed a hand over it. A strangely familiar voice filled my ears. His voice was soft and gentle. ″Don′t worry,″ he said as he dragged me into an alley.

I was shaking- trembling- in fear. How can he do this to me? Thoughts raced through my head as he held up a shiny object. Why would he do this? WHY?! The object began to strike down and one last thought burst into my head. Sometimes, people and what they are capable of doing can really surprise us.

Instead of giving up completely, I let out a loud scream, a final effort. ″Daddy don′t do this!″ Everything else fell into oblivion as I saw no more.