I look at you from a distance,
with laughter surrounding you
while staring at him; it makes me wince.

It's not that I mind your preference
for you are only caught in his woo
I can only look at you from a distance.

But what can I do but spear him with a lance
hoping that you would see as I do
But I know better. You would only make me wince.

I can only watch bleakly, at your self-proclaimed eminence,
as crimes and pain stick to you like glue.
I look at you from a distance.

He doesn't deserve to be treated like a prince
Don't submit when you argue
It pains me too, I must wince

But it's all for naught, I am too late since
you are defiled like him; go live in that igloo
you have made for yourself. Though I may look from a distance
I will no longer... wince.