"when I die, I will come back and haunt you. Not because I want to but because I want to look after you all till you die"
Jack Jameson had seen his fair share of car crashes, but this must be the most horrifying one ever. Not because there was lots of blood, flames and death, but because there was a person trapped, trapped by something buried deep into her chest and if they took it out, took her out of the car, she would die. It was the most horrifying one ever because she requested him to be there. It was the most horrifying one ever because she was his best friend.
Sylvia Starr, the most wonderful girl in the whole wide world in Jack's point of view. He had known her since he was twelve and when he went through his Everyone-In-The-World-Hates-Me stage she stuck by him and taught him to be happy. When she was eighteen she ran off to see the world and all he got was presents, postcards and crackly phone calls.
And here she sat trapped in a car dying. He knelt beside her and she looked up from behind her fringe and gave him one of her sparkly smiles, the same one she shot him when they were twelve.
"Heya" she whispered
"Oh Silver" he murmured using her nickname "oh why did it have to be you?"
He felt he hand brush his shoulder and he looked up to see her offering her hand for him to hold. Still comforting him even when she's the one dying. He had forgotten how small and delicate her hands were. Child hands. She was tall, curvy and so adult looking but her hands weren't.
It highlighted her innocence. He looked up and met those big brown eyes, still wide and innocent, still sparkling of knowledge and stories. Sylvia always did seem to be the higher power, always did seem to know everything about everything. But even he knew she was just a normal human being and normal human beings have to die sometime…just not like this, please?
"Who would have thought that after all what I have seen I would die on the bloomin' M6?" she joked weakly
He squeezed her hand "don't talk like that Silver, we'll get you out, we'll keep you alive, just hold on, like you always do. Just keep strong"
"How long has it been since we saw each other last JJ?" she murmured using his childhood nickname "a year? It was America and you flew all that way just to keep me company for Christmas"
"And we had the best time didn't we?" he said eagerly "exploring everything we could, savouring every difference in the culture and living every moment"
"Do you remember school JJ?" she asked dreamily "do you remember everyone's surprise when I played the drums for the school production instead of acting like I usually do? Do you remember me winning the fencing competition? Do you remember how well I did on my GCSE's?"
"I remember every single detail" he said "everything you did was sparkling and amazing I have it all memorised"
"Do you think they do?"
They were her family, the ones that she ran from, the ones that thought she was nothing but an oddball that could do better. They never understood her and she never stopped trying to please them.
"They got every memory stuck in their head" he proclaimed passionately "they can't help but secretly think how they wished they were you"
She smiled softly and hummed under her breath. They stayed that way for a while when she spoke up "I'm glad I get to spend my last moments of life with you. No one else quite measured up. If I'm going to die I'm going to die confessing. I loved you far more than a friend and not in the way a sister should. I ran from you because I thought it was wrong and that you would never return my feelings and now here I am only twenty three dying and I want the last words on my lips to be-"
He cut her off by swooping down and placing the most chaste kiss on her lips. "no deathbed confessions" he said "because when you're going to tell me you love me it will be after you're healed and ready to move about."
"Sometimes the story never gets the happy ending JJ" she whispered tears falling down her cheek
"But there is always a sequel even when the writer tires of it and never writes of it again. There is always a sequel hovering in the background"
"Afterlife is life's sequel" she said the smile back in place "how philosophical. How come we never thought of it in school when we were writing these down?" she looked at him and suddenly she changed the subject swiftly "you promise not to follow me?" she asked "you promise to live your story before joining my sequel?"
"I promise" he said "I never break a promise"
"Neither do I" she said "blimey I feel so tired" she closed her eyes and rested her head back on the head rest of her car seat. Her short messy black hair splaying across it like black satin. She looked like an angel sleeping.
He held her hand for what seemed hours. His fingers hovered over her pulse and he shuddered when he felt nothing. And he looked up to see the light rise of her chest as she breaths no longer there. And he knows that the most sparkling woman ever had ever met was gone forever.
He leant over and kissed her lukewarm lips. He whispered those three words he never got to say to her and then he let go. The paramedics moved in to move her and he began to walk away.
He looked up into the night sky and he saw the biggest, most dazzling star shining up and he knew he wasn't alone, that Sylvia was enjoying her sequel while watching over him.