Alone, in isolation
Alone with faces on the wall
Alone, inside this gallery
Alone, I start to crawl
Alone for life in solitude
Alone, oh please, god, no
Alone, don't leave me lying here,
Alone, the sadness grows
Alone I will remember
Alone, you'll never know
Alone, I'll never leave here,
Alone with all alone
Alone, forgive my sanity
Alone, forgive my scars
Alone, erase these teardrops,
Alone, indeed, it's hard
Alone for life and reason
Alone is all I've known
Alone, my death, a runaway,
Alone is how I've grown
Alone with pain and suffering
Alone with hate and spite
Alone I am indifferent
Alone I'll be at night
Alone I know is everything
Alone I must not mind
Alone I watch you fade away
Alone 'til the end of time
Uploaded: 5/13/07
A/N: I remember writing this in class, with the girl I liked right in front of me. I would look up at her back and think these lines. It's still a shitty poem, extremely corny, but the rhyming is good so that's the only reason it's not gonna be in my shit-poem collection.