Hey guys! Just wanted to let you know I'll be publishing KL on Lulu! Whoot! It'll be awhile but I'm going to jam-pack it with all kinds of extras to make it worth the buy! Currently it's being revised from chapter 1 so it'll be awhile. -.-; (-Insert gun here) But hopefully I'll be able to have it up and rolling within the next few months! It's so exciting! There will be chapter extensions, possibly some character revisions and maybe I'll switch around some things and I'll definitely go in and link the story in a lot better than it is! I'll add extras and bonuses Character bios, creation of the story, and more! I'll have it out in paper back until hard-back is requested. The link will be posted on my bio page on FP also on my website. Keep checking up on my bio page because I was contemplating getting a Live-Journal! Well stay awesome guys, you've all been awesome, I hope to see you in another story!
- With love,
Miranda C. Cougar