A Humble Suggestion to Help Us to Become a Better Society

It is a truth that is unfortunately not at all widely acknowledged that our society needs a vital attitude makeover if the human race is to be preserved for much longer. Our society, in which people who are disadvantaged in whatever way (due to illness, weakness, etc.) are pitied and helped by the community, is fast heading to its own destruction by the proliferation of these unfit individuals. Before I propose my solution to the dire problem at hand, I shall outline as briefly as possible the cause of the problem and the way things should be, and then I shall suggest how we can aspire to this.

People do not realize, that those who are almost wholly responsible for contributing to the rapid degeneration of our species are some of the most highly respected people in the world. These people are doctors, and possess in large amounts the human weakness known as compassion. By treating invalids and striving to find cures for illnesses, they are altering the natural course of events and are fighting natural selection, leaving our population full of individuals who are free to pass on their unsuitable genes.

Darwin's theory of evolution which comprises of a main idea of survival of the fittest proposes that those who are best suited to their environment (the ones who are naturally selected for) are the ones most likely to survive, reproduce and pass on their genes. Those who are not as suited (the ones who are naturally selected against) will die before they can reproduce, and so eventually their unsuitable genes will disappear from the population, which will have evolved to become more suited to the environment around.

In the early history of humans, this was how life was: those who were the most suited to their environment were the ones who survived to reproduce and their genes were the ones passed on to the next generation. Indeed, this is how life proceeds even now in every other living species except for humans, unless humans intervene in the natural selection process of other species (indeed, our concern should be directed to preventing the extinction of our own species rather than worrying about the extinction of other ones).

And now I shall propose my solution; it is a simple one, and should be quite easy to implement, as it simply involves doing nothing. Just by letting natural selection take its own course without any interference, the unfit individuals will be purged from our society, and only those who are most suited to their environment will remain. This means that doctors will be prohibited from treating patients, charity organizations will be shut down and the practice of handing out dole to the disadvantaged will be stopped.

An example can be made of the events that occurred during the rule of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, in the years before the Russian Revolution. His only son Alexis suffered from haemophilia, a blood disorder in which the blood is unable to clot and cuts bleed indefinitely, and small bruises spread all over. Sufferers experience excruciating pain and generally die young. The only person who seemed to be able to alleviate the young boy's pain was the man Rasputin, who eventually crept into the lives of the Imperial family, using his influence over them to advise them on how to rule their country. The fact that the Imperial family associated with this man who was known to the people to be depraved and perverted caused many people to stop respecting them. Many historians are of the opinion that if it weren't for Alexis' haemophilia, the Russian Revolution would not have occurred. I concur, although I say that if the Tsar and Tsarina did not hunt for a cure and instead let natural selection take its course, Alexis would have died, Rasputin would not have been needed, and the Revolution would never have occurred.

Of course I know that critics will bring up another historical example of the implementation of a similar theory to mine, which went horribly wrong. Adolf Hitler's Germany is something I know my preservation strategy will inevitably be compared to, so let me say this right now: Hitler had, in my opinion, noble intentions of rebuilding the country after the ravages of war, and creating a strong Germany with a population of only the fittest, his perfect Aryan race. However his plan was fundamentally flawed in that instead of leaving things to natural selection, he interfered with the process by putting to death those who did not fit his idea of the perfect race, such as Jews, hunchbacks, dwarves and mentally and physically disabled people. In doing this, he was presuming that the traits he selected for were the right ones and was also incurring the wrath of the rest of the world.

Now the other day I discussed my ideas with a friend of mine, a highly educated fellow, who fully supports my theory. In fact, he was so enthusiastic about the idea that he even suggested that we, in a Hitlerian move, should take it upon ourselves to purge society of these unfit individuals by putting them down, thereby speeding up the process of creating the ultimate human race. I, however, disagreed, as I feel that this might possibly be bordering on cruelty, and that is the last thing I want.

I do not presume to know what traits are truly favourable now, and what traits may be favourable in the future. Therefore, I simply propose that we all slow down a pace, and wait and watch as natural selection takes place, until we are in no doubt of who the fittest individuals are. In doing this, we will truly become a society we can be proud of.

A/N: Inspired by Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal. I'm trying to branch out with my writing. How was my attempt? Please review!