Author's Note: 100 randomly generated words, with a 100 word drabble for each.

Thanks for the reviews guys! You are too kind to me. :)

This isn't my best, but I would like to move on to the next word. Excuse my complete lack of knowledge on psychiatry.

Word Three: Psychiatry


Michelle tore her attention away from the corner and to the psychiatrist.

"Are you paying attention?"


The psychiatrist sighed.

Michelle did not want to be here. She honestly did not try to kill herself; she was washing dishes and the knife slipped. Her mother didn't believe that, she just freaked out and sent her to this place. Michelle wanted to go home. Maybe back to her boyfriend. If she still had one.

"Look, I didn't try to kill myself, honestly. It just slipped."

The woman stared at Michelle. She's heard this all before. Admittance was the first step.