I like to think about beautiful things.
I like to write and read and reminisce about dreams;
I like to tear things apart with tentacles. I like porn
And music and Dr. Pepper and kissing –
Preferably all at once. I like Jason Statham and zombie killing,
Anticipation and falling green leaves.
I like to pretend, I know, I know; I like to curse and
I like to listen to you laugh, for fuck's sake. I like
Technology and good things and good drugs and quiet
And I like moving in and I like slow goodbyes.
I like to smoke and I like to think;
I like to think about beautiful things.
I don't want to leave.
I don't go against the current but I don't roll with the punches
I don't treat myself well or take God seriously or
Brush my teeth every day; I don't swallow big pills and
I don't think I'm sick when I'm sick and when I'm not
I don't fucking write poetry and I don't care to write poetry.
Fuck poetry, fucking shit. I don't go more than an hour
Without washing my hands because the world is dirty.
I don't want to leave.
I live for Mondays.
I live to be a materialist and an altruist and
I live to see my insides and your insides due to
This fascination with… nevermind
That feeling's probably just the zombies talking
I live to love those lovely creatures and
I live for lovely things in general.
I live for getting started, I live for starting early –
Preferably when I'm not living
Outside my head or inside my gut, or living with
A lovely soul who tends to live
For yesterday, when I live every day the way
I live for today. Which is probably Tuesday.
I like to look at things.
Particularly if they're looking back, and I like infinity and
The bliss that soothes my ignorance. I like my parents
For some odd reason and I like sequels and side-orders;
I like vegetables and I like telling myself I like vegetables.
I like to love and I like to dance, and I like little things if they
Promise to lie, which I like. I like to lie.
I like to watch you watch me think.
I like to watch you watch me slip.
I like to watch you watch me live,
And I like to fuck up
When I think far too far
About beautiful things and beautiful
Things with tentacles.