Hey people, long time no write. Well, I'm gonna write a new story, finally. Maybe this time I'll actually finish it, and maybe I'll manage to do it without half of it being written by another person (I LOVE YOU VI!).
I'm making a new account though, and any future stories by me will be posted on there. Please, if you enjoyed Changing Hearts at all, please please please read it! Here's the blurb for you:
Freda is far too old for circuses.
Please, she's fifteen; it's time for deciding what she wants to do, and it's definitely time for mum to realize that she's not ten anymore.
But when complicated circus boy, Leo, flames into town, things start changing.
It's time to wake up and smell the smoke.
I hope you guys read it, and I hope you guys enjoy it. XD
My new name is: charliepickle
The new story will be called Smoke.
xx all, charlie
PS: obviously the new story won't be up for 2 days or so, courtesy of the stupid 2 day wait thing, but when it does...
*sigh* it's about time i started writing again.