Ode to my annoying brother

Poems about brothers

Ode to my annoying brother

I really can't say that I despise you

It is just too strong a word because we are still family,

So we will always have that bond.


if there was anyway to say how I feel it would be I just don't like you

Now don't give me that look

It's nothing personal, just the honest truth

It's the way that I feel

I don't like how you mess things up constantly like a child

Two years separates us both and still


You cry and you whine

You frustrate and enraged me

Until I think that I hate you


I know I don't

In my heart I try to do the right thing and forgive you but I just can't, you annoying pest, I didn't choose to have you… not really my fault you are here

But if I could make you vanish

I wouldn't because sometimes I like you being there

But trust me, when I say if I could pack you on a plane and send you away

Until you get better

I would

I mean it

We're blood

But you are still annoying

And always will be

Annoying, annoying and annoying


And so forth and so on etc….