Everlasting love
You are the anchor, which pulls me back
Chaining me to my prison for all eternity
You are the anchor, which holds me still
Keeping me grounded, so I do not drift off
I do not know what I would do without you
But I do know what I should do when you are there
I should protect you and care for you
Because you are precious
I should build you up instead of taking you down
I should love you unconditionally
And I do
I honestly do
But I should have tolerance and accept all your ways
For I will not always have you and your love
And that scares me
I need it to wake up in the morning
And to sleep at night
I wish i could tell you, but I fear you may not understand
And I know I'm not the best of sisters
Truly awful I may be
But I love you unconditionally
And even when my body and mind are gone
And my soul no longer remains on the earthy land
My love for you will still be everlasting
Because you have been the best brothers that
You possibly can