We are under attack from every side.
The Enemy doesn't care about our hopes, our fears, our dreams, worries and problems. They aren't after our land. They aren't after our wealth.
They are after our hearts.
Our lives.
Our purity.
We fight, but somehow, we know that we can't ever win on our own. It is depressing to keep on trying. It hurts.
But our great Ally comes to our rescue. He sends us His love, His courage, His strength.
And because of it, we can beat our Enemy and send them running in shame.
So be courageous, and don't forget how much He loves us. Because His love, and smile of sanctification and pride in us, is worth every fight!
a/n- hey yall. hope you like this. i wrote this to be an encouragement when so many things around us are going wrong. if you have any questions about the meaning of this, just pm and let me know. if you think that i should have put this in a differant category, please let me know so i can fix it. and, as always, please r&r. i accept anonymous reviews, so anyone who reads can review. thanks! Glory