Chapter 4: the conversation between Atta and Jake

A.N; / Hey guys thanks for reading my stories it makes me really happy, so this is another talking chapter, here you will learn a bit about Jake. This might be another short chapter. Sorry for any error I make!

Conversation between Jake and Atta at 4;21pm

Atta;" Hello dear Jake"

Jake;"Hello master Atta"

Atta;" You are going out to an important mission I trust that you will take care of Cat and Harry for me."

Jake;" Yes, do not worry is there anything else?

Atta; "Have you remember or found out about anything in your past?"

Jake;" My father was a scientist and my mother was a author, I remember having a sister….I tried to find her but it like she's dead"

Atta;" Do not worry dear I will get right to that, do you know how she looks like?"

Jake;" She had golden eyes that all I can remember and that she was younger then me"

Atta;" interesting…..Do not worry child I'll make sure we find her…now let get to the mission"

Jake;"yes sir"

Atta;" You will rescue a young girl…she must be 14 by now, you can find her easily by her red hair, we need her to destroy this horrible world, we can use her Psychic power for our advantage."

Jake;" so she was born during the bereavement era?"

Atta;" Yes…This will be a very dangerous mission I left some new technology in your suits, use it wisely"

Jake; "Yes sir, when we will leave"

Atta;" In a few hours, when you come back I have the intimacy lesson ready for you"

Jake;" I understand...Sir Do you think Cat is better?"

Atta;" It still hard for her to accept what happen. Do not worry dear child she is ready for this mission just look out for her and Harry"

Jake;" Yes sir, will that be all?"

Atta;"Yes and Jake"


Atta;" do not worry I will find your sister"

(Atta leaves the conversation)

Jake;" Thank you"

(Jake leaves the conversation)

A.N; / Sorry for any error, you learned a bit about Jake. Anyways until next time.
