I pull back my curtains to reveal the front yard covered in snow. I give a frown. Yes, it's a beautiful sight but as it gets colder everyone gets paler, everyone except for me. My skin is naturally tan and it never fades much. I don't like to feel anymore freakish than I already do.
I smudge a small amount eyeliner around the piercing blue eyes that I get from my dad. I have to be careful because if I put on too much it looks wrong with my natural black hair. Its pin straight, thick and reaches a few inches below my shoulders framing my face with side sweep bangs.
"Avery you are going to be late for school!" my dad calls up the stairs.
My full name is Meda Tiponi Avery, and if you think that is the worst name ever invented then you are not alone. That is why I go by Avery. As if my name wasn't weird enough there is a totally ridiculous story that goes with it.
I swiftly sweep down the steps and kiss my dad goodbye. I jump into my car and start the engine, or not. Of course on the day I'm late my car will not start. Rushing into the house I tell my dad my sob story adding the puppy dog eyes.
"Daddy, could you please, please take me to school." I plead.
"Well, I guess that would be alright. My boss can handle me being a little late." He says.
As we pull onto the highway we start chatting.
"So dad I guess now is a good a time as ever to tell you." I say.
"Tell me what?" He replies.
"Tommy Waterford asked me on a date and I accepted."
"Oh, that's nice. He's a polite boy." I know he means that he knows Tommy won't try to take advantage of me.
I try to hide my wide grin. Tommy had been my best friend since grade school. I had never thought of him that way until a couple of years ago. His shoulders had grown broader and his face more defined. His sandy blonde hair curled perfectly around his face which was decorated with hazel eyes. He was so nervous when he asked me out I thought he was going to start hyperventilating. I let a smile through as I remember how cute it is when he gets nervous.
That's why I was smiling when it happened.
I vaguely question, where am I? But the subject is quickly erased from my mind. I'm surrounded by what seems like millions of people of my kind with black hair and tan skin. I can see the basics but they all seem hazy and somehow faraway. None of them can see me and they all just stand there motionless. I should be freaking out, this should seem weird to me but for some reason it seams normal. Suddenly in the distance I see something move. It's a woman in a long black jacket. I weave through the people trying to catch up with her. I search and search until I realize I've forgotten what I am looking for. I walk for about thirty minutes at which point I hear someone calling my name. I whip my head around trying to figure out where the voice is coming from. Louder now, the voice is screaming "Avery? Avery! Oh my god, call an ambulance!" suddenly I am no longer surrounded by endless miles of blurry people, as I blink I see I am lying on an icy street with shattered glass scattered around me. Ten feet away is my father's car wrapped around a tree.