Dear Fallen Angel,

I still marvel daily at the intensity of your inner beauty. Your romantic longings equal my own, and I am sure my emotions match yours. Every word you say drifts through my ears as if it were the sweetest poem. Even as dim as they are now, your heart and soul are the brightest stars in my spiritual galaxy.

And oh, Fallen Angel, you should know that you are the last thing I see before I slumber, and I awaken every morning to the memory of your smile. It's so gorgeous the way your hair falls into your crying eyes, and the way you look when I voice my affection.

Your love is my vitality. It is the embodiment of everything I have ever wanted, and everything I will ever need. All love songs I sing are meant for you, and every breath I take is yours.

I love you, Fallen Angel, and I always have. I know you are falling still, afraid to hit the ground, terrified of straying from my love. But fear not, darling, because I am at the bottom, arms to the sky, ready and willing to catch you.

My love will always reach your brilliant and elegant soul; it will forever be here to kiss the beautiful tears away.

Yours in Eternity and Beyond, in This World or Any