Warnings: Language - I curse. Slash - Same Sex Relations involving Men in later Chapters.
Dedications: This chapter is dedicated to the real Louise (Please stand up, please stand up!).
Musical Influences: Arashi, Gackt, & L'Arc~en~Ciel.
.::Chapter I::.
Gaia. You got to be fucking kidding me. Luke wanted me to join him on Gaia. 1 word. Ew. 2 words. Hell No! I can go on. Want me to get to 3 words? Gaia is that stupid site that little whiny preteens go on when they are not allowed to get on Myspace. I am allowed to get on Myspace. I do not have a Myspace account. Why the fuck would I want to join Gaia? Honestly! I fail to see the reasoning behind such. Oh, but you try to explain that all to Luke. I can imagine him right now pouting as he replied to my IM. How pathetic! I posted a huge epic paragraph and he responds with nothing but a shitty "Pleaseeee" and sad smilie. Sorry Ass Wipe, but you have to try harder than that. I am like Batman; there is no pushing me around. I am the one that calls all the shots! That is why I was registering for Gaia 44 minutes later. Ya…Shut the fuck up!
My eyes felt like burning as I stared at the home page. Bright colors, a shitty anime-like avatar on the top left corner, and a million ads that advertised features and items the site provided for a fee. Oh goody, I was in Hell. I always knew that Hell was a twelve-year old's playground.
I stared at the screen bored. Now what? I joined Pedo Fun Land. What do I do next? Find some little 14-year old girls to lure into my bed? I can picture myself now looking up random girls and telling them sweet little nothings to convince them to meet me at McDonalds. I lead them into the dirty bathrooms and force the dumb bitches to spread their legs apart. "Yes, do the splits little Rebecca. Ohhh! You are just so tight. Mmmhmm. Yes, I would like to take this to go."
FukaBaby: Now what?
XxLukexBenjixX: add Meeee!111
FukaBaby: How?
XxLukexBenjixX: wat is ur name on gaia
FukaBaby: Batman Likes BJs
XxLukexBenjixX: o.O
XxLukexBenjixX: he does?
XxLukexBenjixX: Coool
XxLukexBenjixX: Okie added yous
XxLukexBenjixX: accepttttt
FukaBaby: Stop spamming me. Bastard.
I proceeded upon ignoring his next 100 posts. They all were just of him typing "Spam" over and over again. Bastard. I accepted the friend invite from TuroKenshii, not understanding the meaning of Luke's Gaia screen name at all. I don't know where it came from or how he got the idea, it was as if he just shitted out a screen name and decided to use it. I added him, but I did not feel as if I accomplished much. That damn question returned once more to me. Now what? I unblocked Luke and asked him what to do next. After a hour of this stupid shit, I had made my avatar look less like a fag, made a profile, and found the forums. Great. Social Happy Fun World. I'm not social. I don't do social. Why the fuck was I here on this stupid site again? Luke...ya, forgot about that. Gah! I could be doing something better with my time right now. I could be doing nothing. Nothing is soooo much better than doing something.
The world must be ending. The apocalypse has come. Here I am sitting in my computer chair with a water bottle in hand. On my computer screen is what appears to be…Gasp! I'm being social. I'm talking to people online on a forum. NOESSS! Well, it is not like I am being nice. I'm still being the little bastard I am on a day to day basis. I stumbled across a forum known as Extended Discussion, filled with idiots and bastards like me. The thread I am looking at on the moment? Some dip shit is talking about losing their identity because someone hacked into their Gaia account. Wow, you sooo have a life. You automatically make me sound 10 times cooler than I already am. Shut up, I know you are talking about me. I'm a fucking awesome person. If Batman were real, that would be me. Yes, I would be fucking Batman. Now shut the fuck up before I kill you. Batman does not oppose the idea of kicking your ass and leaving you out for the dogs. I don't care if Alfred has to clean up all the blood from your pathetic body. How dare you ever think of going against Batman! Shame on you!
Each forum seemed to be full of idiots. The only good threads were about Politics, Religion, Sexuality, and Science. I never could get much interested in Politics or Science. Religion and Sexual tend to get boring after a while. 50 something hundred threads of people merely repeating themselves over and over again. I IMed Luke, asking him what he was currently doing. Anything sounded better than nothing at the current moment. Before Gaia, I could normally find something to do. At this current moment though, I could not come up with a single damn thing to do. A few seconds later, Luke sent me a link to the thread he was posting on. "Why Are White Girls So Nasty" Oh great, a post from an ignorant racist jack ass. I rolled my eyes as I read the ignorant black man's stereotypical post and glanced at the picture of him in his signature. Hmm, black man dressed all in red and holding a blunt. Wait, he is just so dark it looked like that. He is actually flipping off the camera. My bad. Haha. With the facial hair, he looks like he could be…let's say in his 30's. Lulz, he must be one of the guys here looking for girls to take with him into the bathrooms at McDonalds. I should talk to him. Allow him to be my mentor. I quickly clicked the "Post Reply" button and typed up a short post. I smirked as I sat back in my chair, feeling smug from my rather idiotic post. I assume that you are only attracting the ugly ones. I looked down a bit further on the thread to look to see if Luke posted. I smirked as I found that he indeed did posted. Have you been with my mom again? Poor man. You may want to go get yourself checked. They call her nasty for a reason. I could not refrain from laughing. Luke was capable of typing correctly sometimes and coming back with a rather witty remark. He just chose to be lazy and infuriate me with his net speak.
It seemed to continue on for a good few hours. I found myself posting quite a bit, making remarks on the stupid shit people came up with. I felt like I was Batman and am ridding Gotham (Internet) of Criminals (Idiots). However, we all know that you can not get rid of all the idiots. But, I just felt… above the idiots. I felt like I was doing a good deed. I said goodbye to Luke before he went to bed. 12:01 AM. Was he someone's grandpa or something? Who goes to bed this early? Well, Luke was very hyper during the day and a very lively person. So, I assume that at night when the sugar rush finally began to die down, he would well…crash. It did not take me long to start comparing my best friend to a super computer.
It was not until 1:48 AM that my work finally seemed to be recognized, if not by just one person. Someone by the name of Trexor replied to a statement I made earlier, praising me for my good work done. Ah, it was about time Batman showed up. Will you be here for long? Gotham City sure needs to be cleaned up for all the little kiddies. The problem with his statement was that it caught the attention of others. Soon after, many others were starting to turn on me. Some found it amusing, but most found it irritating. I did what Batman would have done in my situation, I shrugged and ignored them. Why should I get bothered by some stupid shit that people say on the internet? They don't know me and I don't know them. Therefore, I do not care.
I raised an eyebrow as I received a notice at the top of my header, alerting me that I had received a friend invite and private message. I accepted the friend invite from Trexor and replied to the private message he sent me. I talked to him about Batman and Gaia for a good 2 hours before we both decided it was time to get off and go to bed. I oddly went to bed that night feeling…pleasant. I was excited to get on Gaia after school. Who would of thought that I would be enjoy being on Gaia? It just seemed….so unheard of. Yet, it was true.
I woke up for school, just like any other school day. I showered, got dressed and ready for school, grabbed my backpack, and left before mom could force me to eat breakfast. I got in the passenger's seat to find my older brother already waiting for me. He glanced at me and smiled tiredly before backing out of the drive way. Trevor was not much of a morning person. He was usually grouchy in the morning, yet he was always capable of giving me a smile. Our relationship of brothers was not necessary bad like most siblings. We didn't fight, yet we were not exactly close. For me…he was just there. We just happened to be two people related to one another, lived together, and sometimes talked. I really can't tell you a single thing about my brother. I don't know much about him and he doesn't know much about me. It was weird…but, we were fine with it. It sure beat having some annoying brother that you fought constantly with. I'm not very social to begin with anyhow. I only really talk to Luke. If I do talk to others, it is to bitch them out or something.
We arrived at school and did the usual routine. We both went our separate ways. I headed to my locker to get my things and wait on Luke. Trevor went and did…whatever Trevor does. Like I previously stated, I know absolutely nothing about my brother. It really did not bother me in the slightest, I am happy with things the way they are. I smiled as I approached Luke, waiting for me at my locker. He grinned before jumping up and down for no reason. I watched him slightly amused, before reaching into my locker to get my books. We headed to first period together, him talking my ear off along the way.
"Gaia! What do you think of it?"
I shrugged as I sat down in my usual seat, waiting for students to fill the room, the bell to ring, and for hell to start. I could not help thinking about last night at the mention of Gaia. I am Batman.
Today was just…weird. School was ending early due to a water pipe bursting. What kind of crazy shit is that? I'm not complaining at all. I hate going to school for it is boring as hell. It is just the reason as to why we are getting out early is quite obscure. I walked out of my 2nd period class to find students running through the halls screaming. The pipe broke, but that does not necessary mean the school is going to flood. Dip Shits. Ugh, I swear. I hate people. I pushed a fat bitch out of my way as I trudged through the halls, heading towards Luke's 2nd period class. The Ass Wipe needs me. There is no way he can get out of the school like this without getting pushed against the walls brutally or having to wait for everyone to leave first. Even if the school was on fire, Luke would not push a single person out of his way. He would stand there politely asking people to please move or let him through. I rolled my eyes as some dumb bitch fell to the floor and caused more traffic for the students leaving in a rush. Not my problem, I needed to go get to Luke. I found him by his 2nd period class just standing there, staring at the whole thing with big eyes. I grabbed his hand and proceeded upon dragging him behind me. When we got closer to the crowd, I pulled him to me and began to push idiots out of my way. Move bitch, get out of the way. I'm Batman and I will not stand for such idiocy. I soon found my way out of the school building with Luke in tow. We walked out to the parking lot to find Trevor waiting for us. One good thing about Trevor, he is not the type of brother to drive off without you, nor will he bitch at you for taking too long. Upon arriving at the house, Luke and I quickly headed to my room and locked the door behind us. I lay on my cold blue bed as he sat in my computer chair. Mmmhmm. It felt soo good to be home. It was 10:34 AM, perfect time to get some more sleep. I knew I could trust Luke to use my computer and stay out of trouble. Therefore, I had no problems with falling asleep as he signed onto Gaia on my computer. Mmhmm. Sleep. When Sleep hits you over the head, ties you to the bed, and lowers your eyelids with its fingers of sand...what can you do? Simple give in. So, I snuggled into my pillow as I felt sleep overtake me.
I woke up some time later to find it was 12:40 PM and Luke out of sight. My computer was left on, Gaia on the screen, along with a million other tabs. YouTube, Gmail, Fiction Press, Fan Fiction, , Live Journal, Myspace, Facebook, Wikipedia, Pandora, and over 20 different official band sites. Gah! What the fuck is wrong with this kid? Close some fucking tabs! You are making my computer run all those sites at once! I grabbed hold of the mouse and proceeded upon closing every single tab other than Gaia and Gmail. Fucking prick! I left my room in search of the little deviant and found him in the kitchen eating sugary cereal with my brother. They seemed to be talking…about me. I stayed out of sight and leaned against the wall as if I were a ninja or spy from a really shitty film.
"Eh, he is like any other kid. Just try talking to him; it can't be all that hard. Most he will ever do is laugh in your face and walk away….I was kidding! I wasn't trying to scare you off."
They were talking about me…and it seemed like my brother was asking about me. Why? I live with you sir, why the hell do you need to ask about me from my best friend? I stood there in momentary confusion, processing the small bit of information in my head. Trevor was asking about me and from what Luke said, it seemed as if he was trying to establish a relationship with me. I thought we were both comfortable with the way things were. The whole you do you thing and I do my own thing. No need to bug one another and get into fights. Our parents seemed to love the idea to, since they never had to break up fights between us or anything. Why change all that? Why now? To others, it may not seem like all that much…but, for me...it was just huge. He wanted to make changes. I suppose I don't react well to changes. I just don't see the use in changing something that is already good. There was no need to fix it, was there?
I slipped away from the wall and creped back to my awaiting room. It would of simply been nothing but awkward to get caught by the two, spying and observing their conversation. That would just look great. The two decide to walk out of the kitchen and spot me standing there, attempting to hear everything they were saying. They raise identical eyebrows up at me and smile knowingly before stating Were you spying on us? Naughty, Naughty. I doubt they would say that…but, I didn't care to stay to find out. I sat in my computer chair and logged Luke off of Gaia. Batman needed to unwind from a long day of living as Bruce Wayne. How does Batman unwind? He kicks criminal ass! Duh! Gah, do you live under a fucking rock or something? Everyone knows about Batman and what he does. The man is hardcore. He invented hardcore. Chuck Norris is shit compared to Batman, and I did hear that Chuck Norris was able to slam revolving doors. I glanced through ED bored, taking great notice of how the place was practically dead. Now what? Gah, there was that annoying question again. It just persisted upon the task of visiting me frequently and annoying the living mess out of me.
"Do a puzzle, a game, check the arenas, or go comment random profiles."
I turned around to stare at Luke, whom was currently sitting on my unmade bed. I shook my finger before him, "Do I look like the type to do any of that?"
He smirked as he walked over to me and took my finger into his mouth. I think I paled as I pulled my finger from his mouth in disgust and wiped it on his shirt. "Ew! Keep your germs to your self. GOSh!" I left my room to go wash my hands, being the overly-anal person I am. I felt like bashing his pretty-boy head against the wall as I heard him laugh. Luke was flamboyantly gay and I normally would not mind such, if he did not persist on flirting with me at times. I know he did it to mess with me for I was not his type. I…I was not gay, not bi, not straight, not anything. I don't know what I am. I never bothered myself to think about it. I never really felt much of an attraction to anyone…well, except for Batman and the actor that played him in the newest movie, Christian Bale. Yes…he was certainly a pretty sight.
I sighed as I turned the water off and leaned over the sink. Staring back at me in the mirror was a pale skinny blonde that looked like he would fit in with the Goth crowd. Haha, I don't do crowds and Goths annoyed me. I just happened to dress in a way that would make you think I associate myself with them and was one of them. I stared into the mirror a bit longer, my clear cerulean blue eyes glaring back at me. I shook my short platinum blonde hair to fall in front of my eyes, but no such luck. It was short and fell down straight, slightly past my jaw. My bangs were just now finally reaching my eyes...but still too short to fall in front of them, it was irritating. I turned around quickly as a chuckle met my ears. I narrowed my eyes at the sight of my brother Trevor.
"Checking yourself out in the mirror? I thought only girls did that."
"When you look like perfection, you can not help, but check yourself out at times."
I headed to my room to find Luke staring at me slightly with hurt before glancing at Trevor by the door with an expression that showed that he was apologetic. What the fuck! There was no reason to be upset over such trivial matters. Gah, man up Luke! I walked over to my computer and opened Windows Media Player, my preferred choice over the evil that was iTunes. I decided I would be nice for once and allow Luke to pick the music. "What do you want to listen to?"
I nodded to the hyperactive boy as I clicked the band and one of their songs began to play and fill the room with Japanese music. I did not mind all that much, because I liked the band too. Why else would I have their music on my computer if I did not like them? Honestly now, common sense. Giggling reached my ears as Luke danced around in my room. At times, I wonder why he bothered himself with me. He was very free-spirited and lively. He looked for the best in nearly every situation and tried to have fun all the time. I found myself envying him at times. I don't know why I am the way I am. I have tried changing my behavior, but I find myself repeating myself and easily forgetting about the vow I made to myself not that long ago. A long continuous cycle…
I smiled as I found that I received yet another private message from Trexor. Luke leaned his head over my shoulder and read the message. He giggled and poked my side, "Ooh, La La. Our young Batman may have finally found himself an admirer. You better not replace me. I'm the only one allowed to be your Robin." I smiled at Luke and could not help oddly feeling light and warm, "Don't worry, you are the only Robin for me." I don't know why I even said those words…but, it made him happy. He giggled once again and pointed at the screen. "You better be nice to him. I can't be your only friend now." I frowned as I stopped typing my reply to Trexor and gave Luke my full attention. "..What do you mean by that?"
Luke sighed as he lifted his head from my shoulder and gave my shoulder a gentle rub. "You are too…closed up and withdrawn. I can't be the only person in your life. You have to let others in. I can't help but worry about you at times." I lowered my head as he voiced out many of the same thoughts that filled my head late at night. I closed my eyes before replying with a breathy "Fine." He, of course, was satisfied with my answer. I did not have to look up to know he was smiling at me warmly. I opened my eyes and stared back at the computer. I suppose it did not hurt to try to be more friendly to others…it is the internet. It is not like he can hurt me from wherever the hell he is. Not like I know the person in real life. Yet, I was so wrong. Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined what was to come to event in the next several months. Never would I have imagined that my life was going to change drastically. And, never would I have guessed that Trexor was closer to me than I originally thought.
Author Note: It seemed like a good place to stop. I hope to make chapters long. While typing the last 2 paragraphs, I found myself adding to the story in my head. Luke…somehow his personality came alive in this chapter. I really did not have much of a personality set out for him. He was just a name and that friend that gets mentioned in the beginning and you don't hear much of afterwards. He is just there…from time to time. Yet, when I started to type the school scene….Luke finally became an actual character. He was given a personality subconsciously. Now…I have completely fallen in love with the person Luke is. He is not based off anyone. I don't even know where the fuck he came from. Lulz. So…Luke will now be a main character.