Warnings: Language – I think we all are well aware of the bad language that I use. Slash – Same sex relations have been promised for some time now, maybe it will make an appearance in this chapter…or not.

Dedications: Like last chapter, this one will be dedicated to the two individuals that either forced or inspired me to write this chapter. Plus, my fiancé and fangirl decided to team up and force me to write. Grumble, Grumble….Ooh, food!

Musical Influences: None, so far.

Author Notes: YAY! I apologize for the rather short length of the chapter and being late. Too much is happening that leads to me leaving this Tuesday for California. Twenty miserable long days without my Kevin, stuck with horrible family. Blah.

.::Chapter IV::.

"Open up sexy-Poo! I don't bite hard…usually!" For the past hour and a half, I been listening to this mindless nonsense spewing forth from the demon's mouth. She finally stopped ringing the doorbell and knocking on the door. That is progress right? NO! She decided to go over to my window and yell at me on the other side. What sucks most about the situation is that I live in an one-story house, meaning she can just easily stand there without use of a ladder. I wish that I could somehow go back into town and force my parents to buy a bigger house that way this problem could be prevented. The sad part about all of this is that I just now realized that I could drown her out with music. I have been tortured for the most part of the day and have been going several long hours without internet, give me some credit and stop giving me that look that suggests that I am an idiot. Judging by the looks of Satan, I don't really know what I could play to scare her off. I think she would actually like my preferable choice of music and I don't want to torture myself just to play something she hates. I just want that creature gone and far away from me, but it seems like I am the most unlucky bastard in the world. Five minutes after I start blasting loud music, I figured that I might as well look out the window and try my luck. Perhaps, she doesn't like my music and will leave. Like I originally said though, I am the most unlucky bastard in the world. As I figured earlier, the bitch loves my music! She loves my music so damn much, she is outside dancing to it in her one-man mosh pit. Really, I have no clue what an one-man mosh pit is either, It just looks like that from the movements she is making. However, she is scary enough to probably be able to fight off invisible creatures and thrash them to death.

I decided it would be a good idea to just lay in bed, go to sleep, and hope that I wake up to find this all to be one bad dream. You can never be too old to have nightmares right? This whole situation is not real… That girl is not real… Somehow with all this thinking, I got the bright idea to get out of bed, turn my music off, and walk over to my window to tell the demon all that I just thought. "You are not real. Go away. You are just a figment of my imagination. A bad nightmare."

Real or fake, demons don't like being called nightmares. I still don't know if I am awake or merely still dreaming, but the demon outside of my window is getting really red in the face and looks like she is about to shoot out fire balls from her mouth. "A NIGHTMARE!" I am getting a really bad idea about all of this now and wish I kept my big mouth shut. I no longer think of the possibility that I am dreaming for I now know the truth. This really is happening and I just fucked up big time. Good Bye cruel world, never really got used to you.

A woman jogger stops running at the sight of the yelling fiend, she did not stay long to stare before she took off for her dear life. Hell, I could of swore that I saw her push a kid off a bicycle and stole it to get away. However, I saw that same kid peddling towards her own house on that little pink bicycle of hers. So, I guess my eyes were playing tricks on me or it was wishful thinking. All I really do know is that I am too young and gorgeous to die!

I am met with silence, something that I was not quite expecting with the particular circumstances that I'm faced against. Looking at the spot where Hailei last stood, I find nothing there. She is gone and I am left alone with no one to talk to or frighten me. Sadly, I actually feel a brief moment of sadness for reasons that I can't possibly comprehend. At the same time, I feel relief that she is gone and nowhere in sight. However, I think we already know that I don't have the best of luck and that was not the end of that fiend. Within moments of what appeared to be short lived relief, in came the devil in tow with my traitor of a mother. Now, my mother and I don't necessary talk and has no previous knowledge of the demon that she just brought into the house, but that did not stop me from being angry with her.

"How come you didn't tell me you have a girlfriend? You two have fun while I unload the car and put away groceries."

"She is not my girlfriend!" My mother was quick with her departure that I doubt she heard what I shouted after her. She sure is not getting the "Mother of the Year" award anytime soon. From what she said, she just basically gave me permission to have sex with a girl that she just met a few seconds ago. Thanks mom, I'll make sure to give you the bill if I ever get a girl knocked up. You can pay for the abortion procedure or raise the little hellion. Oh wait, I am not sexually attracted to anyone. You sure lucked out mom, I'll get you back somehow. Perhaps, I could break my arm to get away from Hailei and force my mom to dish out money for the medical bills. Then again, I am not exactly that heartless... Damn.

"I love your room!"

"Good. Leave."

"Oooh, you have Christian Bale as Batman on your wall. Isn't he smexy sexy?"

For a scary loud mouth, she sure makes it hard to hate her. She is annoying as hell, yet she has excellent taste. I mean... Christian Bale has the body of a God. I am drawn between a rock and a hard place, debating on whether or not I should kick out this freak from my room.

"I knew I was right! You would make the perfect boy toy!"

Better yet, I think I have quickly come to an conclusion. I shall get rid of this demon like I originally had planned.

"I will not date you. I will not be your boy toy. Go to Hell and leave me alone."

The look on her face actually produced the opposite effect on me as expected. You would think I would cheer, laugh, and rejoice over the fact that she looked ready to cry. As previously stated, it had the exact opposite effect on me for I wanted to actually hug her and apologize. The demon before me had quickly transformed herself into that of a kicked puppy. I felt horrible for bringing such tears to her eyes and found myself not knowing what to do in response. Before I could come to a decision as to what to do, she ran out of the house with tears trailing down her face. She is evil and demonic right... Shouldn't I be trilled that she left me alone finally? I shouldn't be thinking that I am the villain... I am not the Joker. I am Batman. Okay, well I am not Batman...but...I feel like complete utter shit now.

To make matters worse, My mother came into my room to reprimand me for my actions. She only knew Hailei for a short few minutes and seemed to already took a strong liking to her. "Benjamin! How dare you upset that girl and make her run out crying!...Blah! Blah! Blah!" She kept going on for a while, all of which I tuned her out on. I did not need my mom in here yelling at me to feel remorse, I already feel bad as it is. I guess deep down inside, I actually possess a heart and it is getting to me. This guilt... I never made someone other than Luke cry until now. I don't know if it simply is that causing another to cry upsets me or if it is just members of his family. All I know is that I probably will end up apologizing to her... even though she scares the living shit out of me. However, her tears made her seem human to me and not like the demonic creature I believed her to be.


You know that you truly fucked up when your best friend won't even look at you. I failed to receive the guidebook that states that making your best-friend's cousin will make neither of them talk to you any longer. I tried to put forth effort, I tried to get Luke's attention and failed miserably. He acted as if I did not exist and I was a mere ghost to him. I am now alone, something that I once believed that I deeply wanted. Yes, I long ago wanted to be invisible to everyone... But, I never meant that applies to Luke as well. I simply wanted to only be noticed by Luke because he is my best friend... well, he was. I think I can safely now say that I have no friends. I have no one at all... Tis be life.

I went about my day more bored than usual. I felt as if a huge chuck of my life was now missing, like I was missing a piece of the puzzle that made me who I was. I was no longer Benjamin Hogge, more like Benjamin ½ now. I am now only half of what I originally was and it was not something I could grow to enjoy. I hate this feeling and I can only hope that it won't last for long. I hope that I can win my best-friend back over. It has not even been a full day and I already miss Luke.

Good News: I came home to find the internet working. Bad News: I am all alone and lost my best-friend for making his annoying cousin cry. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out which is more important. I love having internet, but I no longer have a best-friend to chat back and forth with online. I no longer have a sidekick to balance me out. I am now like a Peanut Butter Sandwich, missing my Jelly which so happens to be Luke. Without my Jelly, I am incomplete and bland tasting. Good News: I log online to find someone actually willing to talk to me. I forgot about good ol' Trexor. Bad News: Mom forgot about her annoyance with me over making that Poor Girl cry, only to go back into her menopause state and start acting insane. She is in the living room, painting the walls green. The scent is traveling throughout the house and bothering me, additionally, I believe that Menopause is simply becoming an excuse for my mother to act like that of a lunatic. I don't think Menopause causes one to throw away canned goods and start randomly painting the walls of their house. Then again, I am not a woman and would have no way of knowing. Thank God!

Trexor: heyy

FukaBaby: Hey.

Trexor: How r you doing

FukaBaby: Horrible. My mom is using Menopause as an excuse to throw away perfectly good unopened cans and paint the living room walls Vomit Green. I lost my best-friend and just got internet back today. So, my last few days have been shit.

Trexor: o sorry to hear that. Why you lose your best friend

FukaBaby: Made his Satanic cousin cry and now he won't talk to me. Guess I pissed him off for the final time. Meh.

Trexor: Well, I got good news.

FukaBaby: Great! Going to rub shit in for me?

Trexor: I saved money on my car insurance by switching over to geico.

FukaBaby: Lame. Those commercials are overplayed, it is dead. No bringing it back.

Trexor: phoenix down

FukaBaby: What?

Trexor: Final Fantasy series – phoenix down is like a revival potion

FukaBaby: Like Pokemon?

Trexor: sure we will go with that.

FukaBaby: I don't really play games much.

Trexor: u suck

FukaBaby: Thanks, but my dad told me you were great with your mouth.

Trexor: eww

FukaBaby: Bored.. I miss my best-friend.

Trexor: Want to hang some time?

FukaBaby: Yeah, I'm online a lot anyhow.

Trexor: No, I mean... In public.

FukaBaby: How? Magic Carpet?

Trexor: I could drive to meet up with you...

FukaBaby: You live in United States?

Trexor: Naa im a terrorist

FukaBaby: Just my luck that I get stuck talking to Obama.

Trexor: Obama is not a terrorist. I think they wouldn't allow one to run a country that is fighting a war on terror.

FukaBaby: You sure know about the States.

Trexor: cuz I was kidding earlier. I live in USA.

FukaBaby: Great, and you are a liar too. What state?

Trexor: Georgia.

FukaBaby: Ooh, and a stalker as well.

Trexor: I was born here. No stalkin involved.

FukaBaby: Gah, your typos are driving me crazy.

Trexor: Sorry.. so, want to hang? Pick a place and I can mapquest it.

Funny how it only takes less than a hour for suddenly things to completely change around and look a bit brighter. Sure, it is dangerous to go meet someone from online in person.. But, it is not like I really have anything better to do. At the moment, I have nothing and this is at least something that I can look forward to. Trexor is great to talk to and shockingly could cheer me up a bit. I don't know what it is about him, but I actually do want to meet him in person. I could use a friend, since I don't seem to have any at all. I set up the meeting for tomorrow at a place that would be populated in case anything were to happen. Dare I say it, I actually want to make a new friend. However, that does not require a death wish at the same time. Additionally, I am going to make sure my brother is there for backup since I will need a ride from him to get there.