Pinconning, Michigan

Small town

Not as small as the one I live in though.

Stop on the way

Purtells diner.

Simple people.

Flannel scarves and thrift store coats

Children with stained mouths

and crying babies.

Are they happy?

I can't imagine that they are

they don't smile.

But they have their families

and they have their small town

so maybe simple is happy.

Burger or Salad?

I pick the hot one since its cold outside.

We don't say much.

We have nothing to say.

Grandpa wears a flannel jacket

Grandma wears a thrift store shirt.

We don't crack a smile.

But we have each other

and we have our small town.

Maybe we look simple.

We are happy.

So maybe simple is happy.

I tell the frowning waitress that my grandmother no longer wants her ice cream.

She sighs.

There's a man at the bar and he's staring at me.

It makes me uncomfortable.

He keeps looking

He's not subtle.

I wish he would stop.

I go outside for a cigarette and make a phone call.

There's a large man waiting on a corner.

He doesn't cross the street

He just stands there.

He must be a hitchiker.

In the midst of my call,

Hitchiker makes his way to the diner.

He's fat and has greasy blonde hair that looks like a mop.

He's nearing his 30's

His head is hunched inside his jacket.

He looks at me curiously and keeps looking.

"I love you," I say over and over to the one on the other end of my phone.

"I love you, have a good time,"

Hitchiker keeps looking. I hang up the phone.

He asks me for a cigarette.

I tell him I don't have much left.

I have a full pack though.

Christmas is over

[it was yesterday]

I don't have to be kind anymore.

"Have a good day" he mumbles.

He goes inside the diner for warmth.

I wonder what his story is, why he's hitchiking in Pinconning Michigan.

I should've given him a cigarette.

But he made me uncomfortable.

My altruism only goes so far.

I go back inside.

The staring man turns his whole body towards the door

what the hell is he staring at?

He watches me with interest

as I go back and sit down.

I smile and joke

then we leave.

He gets up for a minute.

Does he know me?

He should just sit back down

and keep his eyes to himself.

Simple people.

I wonder if they think about anything more than what's going on at home.

I wonder if they aspire for more.

I wonder if I'm just standing too high on my pedestal.

But I think to myself that I'm glad I don't live in Pinconning Michigan.

Not like my town is any better.