Either or

Smart or dumb I don't care that guy is for me

Smart or dumb I don't mind he's the cutes thing

Tall or short my mind still spins for him

Tall or short I'll make sure I can reach

Nice or bitter it'll be alright

Nice or bitter I know he'll be polite

Warm or cold he'll still be cuddly

Warm or cold he'll always want me

Athletic or lazy he'll be strong enough

Athletic or lazy he'll be the perfect one

Frightening or beautiful I'll always want him more

Frightening or beautiful he'll be the one I adore

Happy or sad his mood won't matter at times

Happy or sad as long as he's mine

Graceful or clumsy I'll help him up

Graceful or clumsy he's what I want

Fast or slow for his pace I don't mind

Fast or slow for him I'll go blind

Exciting or boring he's still interests me

Exciting or boring my love he'll always be

Love me or not I'll always know that I loved you

Love me or not you know it's really true

(inspired by a guy I have a huge crush on)