"Hey Arnold"

A.N;/ so this story is dedicated to one of my closest friend Arnold! He is feeling blue and I thought maybe he would like to read something good about himself so he can see all the good things he has.

Hey Arnold!

Remember how many times you have helped me? All the good things you have done for me.

When I am sad you come and hug me and tell me that everything will be alright.

Remember when Brandon broke my heart? You took me in your arm and held me tightly making me feel safe. You showed me what friendship was and I love how you are always kind to everyone.

I know I lose my temper easily but you never do give up on me. When you broke up with Bella you went straight to me and we stayed together talking about it.

Forget her Arnold you are to go for her. Any girl who gets you will be lucky that much I know.

You are the closes thing I have to an older brother. You protect me when I need it. When I am sad you make me laugh and when I am angry you calm me down.

"I love you forever and ever" and I really mean it. It like you came from a fairy tale and rescues me. Maybe if you weren't here I would still be sad.

So Hey Arnold please don't cry and be sad! I'll make you happy and I'll always be here to hear you out!