Hey arnold

My protector,
my best friend,
together forever,
until the end.

You make me feel happy,
You make me laugh,
hate to see you sad,
please dont cry.

I'll protect you too,
and I'll be here for you,
you'll find her,
Your special one.

You make a normal day be fun,
HEY ARNOLD! cheer up.
I am here for you,
to wipe away those tears.

You are my best friend,
my brother,
my protector,
a innocent child.

Hey Arnold!
you have friends that love you!
dont frown.

You make me laugh about the smallest stuff,
you are always kind to me,
never seem to care about yourself,
only other's

You are a innocent child!
a small seed,
the small part I needed,
my secret.

Hey Arnold!
I care about you,
I need you,
I love you !