dreams by louis evans

dreams were-
happy endings in fairy tales
a knight in shining armor
saving the damsel in distress
a kiss on the lips
from a prince to a princess

dreams were-
touching the shimmering stars
etched in the endless night sky;
swaying on the creaking swing
whispering: up to the moon, we fly

dreams were-
mere wishes of things that
could not be:
like growing wings
to fly high and free

dreams, like a piece of paper
folded again and again,
can morph and change
into something not the same.

dreams are-
keeping time
on a tight leash,
making time
to do things we please

scoring perfect marks
for our every test
and wishing, wanting
to be the very best

dreams are like
pieces of the puzzles
that completes our fantasy,
and like heroin-
so we wish upon
any star in sight
dreaming that
someone would shed some light

dreams will become
us picturing ourselves
on the top of the world,
no longer that pitiful
lonely little girl

a perfect family
a perfect life
a perfect husband
a perfect wife

but when we finally reach for
that falling star
our dreams fade away
because we know reality's
not far.