"May Angels lead you"
A.N; / so I had another idea for a story! This comes from a book I read call waiting for Christopher. I am sorry for any error I make!
"-and I'll always be here for you right! Forever and ever…and ever….and ever Aku" A little girl mumbled hugging a small blond baby to her small 4 year old figure. They felt asleep like that.
"Oh Aiya" The women with the long blond hair said as she kissed the small baby and the small girl.
"Sleep nice my 2 small angels" The mother whisper as she closed the door.
"AKU….AKU….AKU!" The small 4 year old girl said running to the blond hair baby room.
"Honey….." a man with black hair said picking up the small girl and hugging her.
"What wrong daddy" she whisper afraid to make noises, hugging him back.
"Honey….Aiyanna….sometimes…sometimes…babies…they…they have to close their eyes…and they go to a place call heaven…where they become angels…you understand…..right Aiya" Her father told her between sobs. Seeing her father cry she began to get scare as well, her father he never cried that much the little girl new.
"Daddy….Daddy…let me go now...I got to see Aku…pwease…daddy" The small girl started pulling away, her father looked at her again then put her down.
She ran inside and saw her little Akuji with his eyes close and very very pale. She ran to him and hugged him
"WAKE UP AKU!...WAKE UP" She yelled at her younger brother, the small girl knew something was wrong…..he was to cold
"Oh honey….your brother….Akuji….he….he…he's dead" Her mother told her between sob then she hugged Aiyanna softly crying.
The small girl with the black hair knew that everything would change….still she kept waiting for Akuji to come back after all they promised to stay together forever and the small girl knew that promises could not be broken.
May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in
A.N; / I hope you like the first chapter! Sorry for any error I made!