A.N;/ Hey, so I had said I would re do this story, many events has happen since I first read this story that made me actually want to forget about it and made me even cry when I read how naive I had been when I first did this project. Now I have grown more as an author and person and I hope it has been notice. My spelling might be off since I am stuck with WordPad.
Beranubus and I chapter 1
I met him 4 years ago, We will call him Beranubus. He was funny, self center and my first impression of him had been that he was to selfish and childish not to mention annoying.
He had soft brown hair and was rather tall 6ft to be honest but I liked that. Beranubus mostly spend it talking about football, watching anime or playing videogame and his favorite hobby had been dating girls. Along the way of us fighting we became friends, I would even go far enough to call him best friend. We joked around and was always there for each other.
When a guy broke up with me I had his shoulder to cry on and his soft blue eyes to show his concern, usually he would tell me not to worry because I was better off without those jerks, oh the irony of it all. I was there for him when he needed to talk about his newest girl or a problem he had. Sometime we would even talk about our siblings I would tell him about how annoying my brother Tony was and he would reply with something about his spoil sister Kanya.
Other times he and I would just enjoy the silence and play a quiet game, My dark brown eyes would always meet his blue eyes and sometimes he would comment about how he thought I had very pretty brunette hair, personally I always found it weird since it had a weird shade, Blond, brown and red that was my hair color.
"Damn it Giant, I am bored, amuse meh amuse me amuse meh!" I whine pouting and giving him the sweetest sadest look I could, and believe me I was good at that, he laughed answering
"I am not a giant you are just a shrimp, you should amuse me I am older"
"By a few month Giant" I shot back
"A few month, a few days, I am still older shrimp" this is how it usually went when we got bored, it was always a friendly fight with him calling me shrimp since I was just 5'1 while I shot back with Giant, sometimes we just talked about our likes and dislikes which was fine by me,
"Favorite band?" I would asked
"Cartel, you?" he would answer
"I got to many, but I suppose it would be Maroon 5"
"Favorite sport?"
"Football, soccer, what about you?" I answered.
"Football" then we would grin at each other and start talking about different stuff that had to do with football, yeah we were football nerds, he was a captain and I was still learning and loved playing with guys and tackling.
Amongs our friends I was popular for being childish and he was popular for being the joker and player. Usually we were the trouble makers, always pranking someone, and I usually hated his girlfriends he would say it was because I was so close to him, I said otherwise.
A.N;/ Sorry for any error that was made and I hope that this was a much better chapter. I am not sure when I will update again, maybe today maybe next week. thanks to those who have review and I am sorry it had been so horrible.